Anti-drug campaign aims to cut crime
网络释义 1. 禁毒斗争 翻译词汇|口译常用词语 -... ... 近亲婚姻 close relative marriages禁毒斗争anti-drug campaign安全生产 work safety ...|基于7个网页 2. 全民禁毒 (36)全民禁毒(Anti-drug Campaign)(37)给城乡孩子一个公平起点(Give a Fair Starting Point to Urban and Rural Childre...
BEIJING, Feb. 27 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Ministry of Public Security and the China National Narcotic Control Commission will jointly launch a nationwide campaign to fight drug-related crime, according to the ministry Tuesday. "The campaign focuses on combating drug production and trading, as well as ...
本案例默认翻译为中文,点击可切换回原语言 韩国禁毒运动中心禁毒运动: 不要这样做 暂无简介 基本信息 创作者 案例详情 基本信息 广告品牌:Korea Anti-Drug Campaign Center 发布日期:2002-12 行业领域:NGO,公共事业 媒体类别:图文,户外,活动 广告语言:韩语 ...
Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Campaign: Fourth Semi-Annual Report of Findings. Executive Summary. The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign was intended to reduce and prevent drug use among youth by addressing them directly, as well as indirectly by e......
Guo stressed that work should focus on closing drug production sites, arresting drug trafficking rings and controlling drug user groups. The crackdown should be intensified to arrest the spread of the drug problem, Guo said, noting that the problem should be solved from its source with the involv...
Heckler told a Senate Government Affairs subcommittee that the video is a “showpiece” of a new phase of her agency’s campaign against drug abuse. Advertisement The video will be distributed to schools and broadcasters and will be shown on MTV, the 24-hour music channel. It focuses on peer...
Anti-Drug Group Says Yes to Online Campaign.Discloses the plans of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy to spend $3 million in online advertising to get its anti-drug message across. Awarding of a contract to the public relations firm Fleishman-Hillard; Plan to foster an ...
为禁绝毒品原植物在辖区内种植和流通,从源头上禁绝毒品,堵源截流,着力打造“无毒华漕”,近日,华漕镇禁毒办结合“三五”学雷锋日主题活动,组织禁毒社工和志愿者会同镇平安办、派出所民警在诸翟公园开展了禁种铲毒宣传教育活动。 活动中,民...