where \({\cal L}_{\bf{v}}{\bf{b}}^E = {\bf{F}}\frac{\partial }{{\partial t}}\left( {{\bf{C}}^P} \right)^{ - 1}{\bf{F}}^T\) is the Lie derivative of bE, \(\dot \gamma\) is the plastic consistency parameter and Eq. (11) are the Kuhn–Tucker conditions. ...
Also, the order of the fractional derivative can change the main properties of the traveling wavefronts. For particular choice of parameters, we have found that wavefronts exist and travel faster in the subdiffusive system than in the normal diffusion one. One can predict that anomalous ...
The output signal, essentially the derivative of the signal from the sample, locked at 211.5 Hz was detected by the LIA via an RF-diode detector. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS) spectra were recorded using SPECS amraekseolsuytsitoenmowf ~h0ic.3h euVse)stoMpgrKobα e(1t2h5...
where\({\cal L}_{\bf{v}}{\bf{b}}^E = {\bf{F}}\frac{\partial }{{\partial t}}\left( {{\bf{C}}^P} \right)^{ - 1}{\bf{F}}^T\)is the Lie derivative ofbE,\(\dot \gamma\)is the plastic consistency parameter and Eq. (11) are the Kuhn–Tucker conditions. The assoc...
Gohil VM, Brahmbhatt KG, Loiseau PM, Bhutani KK (2012) Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters synthesis and anti- leishmanial activity of 1-aryl-b-carboline derivatives against Leishmania donovani. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 22:3905-3907
The second feature which we want for our field theory potential is that its second derivative around the vacuum ϕ=±1 would be m2<3 to allow the oscillational mode to tunnel through the barrier and to become the QNM. We have found one such family of field theory potentials to be(7)...
Acidic Phospholipase A2-Peptide Derivative Modulates Oxidative Status and Microstructural Reorganization of Scar Tissue after Cutaneous Injury. Evid. Based Complementary Altern. Med. 2020, 2020, 1–13. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Mittag, B.F.; Krause, T.C.C.; Roehrs, H.; Meier, ...
Here, we study a quantum fermion field in rigid rotation at finite temperature on anti-de Sitter space. We assume that the rotation rate Ω is smaller than the inverse radius of curvature ℓ−1, so that there is no speed of light surface and the stat
biological process analysis showed that most of the differential proteins were enriched in carbohydrate derivative metabolism and cellular component organization; according to cellular component analysis, most of the differential proteins were located in extracellular regions; molecular function analysis showed ...
Various marine drugs including bryostatin-1, homotaurine, anabaseine and its derivative, rifampicins, anhydroexfoliamycin, undecyl- prodigioisin, gracilins, 13-desmethyl spirolide-C, and dictyostatin displayed excellent bioavailability and efficacy against AD. Most of these marine drugs were found to...