Anti-debugging Skills in APK安卓逆向分析 by droidsec0x00 时间相关反调试通过计算某部分代码的执行时间差来判断是否被调试,在Linux内核下可以通过time、gettimeofday,或者直接通过sys call来获取当前时间。另外,还可以通过自定义SIGALRM信号来判断程序运行是否超时。
使用IDA动态调试APK时,android_server默认监听23946端口,所以通过检测端口号可以起到一定的反调试作用。具体而言,可以通过检测/proc/net/tcp文件,或者直接system执行命令netstat -apn等。 0x03 检测android_server、gdb、gdbserver在对APK进行动态调试时,可能会打开android_server、gdb、gdbserver等调试相关进程,一般情况下...
Cloud skills and knowledge are required to build processes and practices around work items that use service models. Example: Assume the cloud provider manages updates Members of a company's human resources (HR) department use infrastructure as a service (IaaS) to set up multiple Windows servers ...
The variety will help to ensure that members of the workforce experience a genuine test of their knowledge to help equip them with the skills they need to identify real phishing attempts. Another new feature has been added to the MSP layer of the platform to ensure that MSPs can provide ...