Define Clockwise and anti-clockwise. Clockwise and anti-clockwise synonyms, Clockwise and anti-clockwise pronunciation, Clockwise and anti-clockwise translation, English dictionary definition of Clockwise and anti-clockwise. adv. & adj. In the same direc
必应词典为您提供anti-clockwise的释义,adj. 逆时针方向的;左旋的; adv. 逆时针方向地; 网络释义: 反时针方向的;逆时针的;逆时钟方向;
By theend of Year 2, they should be able to talk about these turns, but to explain which direction they are going in,clockwise or anti-clockwise. During Year 2, children will also learn to tell the time to the quarter hour, so they should be aware of the direction the hands on the ...
Positive aileron deflection produces an anti - clockwise moment about the X axis. 正的副翼偏转角产生绕X轴的负方向力矩. 辞典例句 You see the girl is turn clockwise or anti - clockwise? 你看到的美女是顺时针还是逆时针转动? 互联网 Revolving the lock nut 5 anti - clockwise to the suitable posi...
anti clockwise 逆时针方向旋转 clockwise adj. 顺时针方向的 anti prep.【非正式】反对 prefix.【构成名词和形容词】 1.反,反对 2.对立,对立面 3.防,防止 counter clockwise 逆时针方向 clockwise cycling 顺时针循环 anti adj. 反 anti'propeller 【机】 螺旋桨防冰器 anti aircraft a. 防空用的...
anti-clockwise 听听怎么读 英['ænti:kl'ɒkwaɪz] 美['æntikl'ɒkwaɪz] 是什么意思 释义 逆时钟方向的; 英英释义 anti-clockwise the direction opposite to the rotation of the hands of a clock 同义词:counterclockwiseanticlockwisecontraclockwise...
2) counter-clockwise ,CCW 反[逆]时针的3) in counter colckwise direction 向反时针的方向4) CCW counter-clockwise 反时针方向的5) anticlockwise [英][,ænti'klɔkwaɪz] [美]['æntɪ'klɑkwaɪz] 反时针(转)的,左旋6) anticlockwise [英][,ænti'klɔkwaɪz] [美]['...
ClockwiseandAnti-clockwiseLinkstotheframework–Section5page87Theconceptfollowsonnicelyfromyearoneworkonleftandright.Ideasforteachingconcept: ..
物理之杠杆(英文)请问在英文的物理中anti clockwise是动力臂吗?还有clockwise是阻力臂?clockwise:moment=force*distance
——虽然很突然,但农业已经灭亡了。 1000年前一度毁灭的农业,由名为“J”的传说中的肥料技师以施肥装置再构筑而成的农业。Original / アンチクロックワイズ - After the Rain / av9579645调教 / H.R.蓄电池Vocal / America Tousan Riben (ATR)Special Thanks / Liquid Cor