Anti-Bribery and Corruption Rules Summary McDermott Will & Emery Jurisdiction Comparison Table Is bribery of foreign public officials criminalised? Is private sector bribery criminalised? Is bribery through an intermediary criminalised? Is there any de ...
发布时间:2023-5-29 | 云展网画册制作 宣传册 其他 反贿赂和反腐败政策Accor Anti Corruption and Bribery-CN 2019.05 关注 5075 粉丝: 0 百万用户使用云展网进行3d电子书制作,只要您有文档,即可一键上传,自动生成链接和二维码(独立电子书),支持分享到微信和网站!其他...
which could result in punishment up to and including termination. HDR may terminate its relationship with consultants, contractors, suppliers, customers, and other business partners if they breach HDR’s anti-corruption or anti-bribery policies or any related laws. ...
If you are studying in the UK and have collected belongings during your stay, you can utilise our international baggage services to send your goods back home. The service is simple and cost effective. Excess International will send you cartons which you can pack yourself. We will collect the ...
2 页,共 6 页 标题:UL 反贿赂与腐败政策 文件编号:00-LE-P0030 – 版本 2.0 1.0 目的及适用范围 作为一家全球性公司,UL 必须遵守其从事经营之所有国家的反贿赂和腐败法律法规,其中包括《美国反海外腐败 法》(U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act,以下简称“FCPA” )以及《英国反贿赂法》(UK Bribery Act)...
Definitionoffraud,bribery andcorruption Whenimplementingitsmissionand activities,HandicapInternational mustbeonitsguardagainsttherisk o misappropriationo its inancialor materialresources,andinparticular againsttherisko raud,briberyand corruption: Fraudpertainstoactswhichaim ...
Combat bribery and corruption with LRN's engaging training courses. Empower employees to make ethical decisions, meet regulatory requirements, and foster a culture of integrity.
Anti-Bribery and CorruptionPolicy 反贿赂和反腐败政策 Objective 目标 Tesco is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity in the conduct of its business throughout the world. Tesco致力于维护全球性商业行为的高道德标准和诚信度。 This is the Tesco Group policy on bribery ...
Harneys Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policies and Procedures set out the policies and procedures for identifying, preventing and avoiding corruption and bribery in the Harney Westwood & Riegels group (Harneys).The policies and procedures apply to all persons involved in Harneys business, including...
Assisted a global Fortune 500 consumer products company with development of a comprehensive anti-corruption compliance program in connection with its expansion into non-U.S. business activities, most notably in Latin America and China. Conducted an internal investigation for a publicly-t...