Anti-Bribery and CorruptionPolicy 反贿赂和反腐败政策 Objective 目标 Tesco is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity in the conduct of its business throughout the world. Tesco致力于维护全球性商业行为的高道德标准和诚信度。 This is the Tesco Group policy on bribery ...
Anti-BriberyandCorruptionPolicy 反贿赂和反腐败政策 Objective 目标 Tescoiscommittedtomaintainingthehigheststandardsofethicsandintegrityintheconductofitsbusinessthroughouttheworld. Tesco致力于维护全球性商业行为的高道德标准和诚信度。 ThisistheTescoGrouppolicyonbriberyandcorruptionwhichappliestoallofficersandem...
STERIS adheres to the AdvaMed Code of Ethics and implemented an appropriately tailored compliance program that includes policies and procedures that address the risk of bribery and corruption. STERIS policy prohibits bribery of (or attempted bribery), or other inappropriate transfers of value to, any...
4.POLICYIMPLEMENTATIONANDMONITORING 4.1Acommitment romseniormanagement 4.2Involvemento all 5.VALIDATIONANDDISSEMINATIONOFTHISPOLICY 3 1.1 Definitionoffraud,bribery andcorruption Whenimplementingitsmissionand activities,HandicapInternational mustbeonitsguardagainsttherisk ...
The Policy emphasizes CACTUS’ zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption or facilitation payment in any form, whether in government or non-government dealings. We always uphold all the applicable international and local anti-bribery and anticorruption laws. ...
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The document sets out AA Thornton’s policy in relation to bribery and corruption. This policy has been adopted by the partners of AA Thornton and has been communicated to everyone involved in the firm’s business to ensure their commitment to it. The Partners attach the utmost importance to ...
Policy It is the policy of Harneys to conduct all its business in an honest and ethical manner. Harneys takes a zero tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships wherever Harneys operates...
Excess International’s privacy policy demonstrates that the company is committed to carrying out its operations to manage and minimise any adverse environmental impact
Anti-bribery/Anti-corruption/Anti-fraud Import/Export Control & Trade Compliance Our services in this field cover: • Construction of anti-bribery, anti-corruption, and anti-fraud compliance governance system • Internal investigation into anti-bribery, anti-corruption, and anti-fraud violations...