Resuspend the beads by vortexing, maximum speed, 5 touches. Add the appropriate volume of Human anti-APC Nanobeads to the cell suspension, mix well and incubate on ice for 15 minutes. The volume of MojoSort™ Human anti-APC Nanobeads should be adjusted depending on starting percentage of cell...
上海玉博生物科技有限公司 主要致力于“Anti-APCDD1(adenomatosio polyposis coli down-regulated 1) 腺瘤**肉调节蛋白抗体 yb-1565R”的生产销售。多年的“Anti-APCDD1(adenomatosio polyposis coli down-regulated 1) 腺瘤**肉调节蛋白抗体 yb-1565R”生产与销售的
可以用不同浓度的咪唑进行梯度洗脱,在样品及平衡缓冲液中添加0.5%吐温或Triton X-100,或5~50%的甘油,可以避免因为疏水相互作用导致非特异吸附,或使用钴离子螯合磁珠(BeaverbeadsTM IDA-Cobalt)。此外,要获得纯度较高的蛋白,需要对裂解、结合缓冲液、洗涤缓冲液、洗脱缓冲液的组分、pH、咪唑浓度等进行优化。若还是...
As expected, PD-1Ab21 bound to PD-1-expressing EG7 lymphoma cells and activated CD8+T cells, which completely blocked the binding of PD-L1IgFc. The binding of PD-1Ab21 was blocked by anti-PD-1 antibody (Fig.1d). Additionally, PD-1Ab21 had the same effect on the proliferation of t...
产品验证1.活性-FACS 图1.本产品可高效激活T细胞。分别用CTS™ Dynabeads™ CD3/CD28 (Thermo Fisher)和本产品激活PBMC中的T细胞,磁珠与T细胞的数量比为1:1,激活48小时后用CD25-PE及CD69-APC进行染色。图左:Thermo Fisher,图右:本产品 (JADEBIOSCI)。 2.活性-Transfection 图2.本本产品激活的T细胞可高效感...
APC/Fire™ 750 anti-human CD64 Antibody - CD64 is a 72 kD single chain type I glycoprotein also known as FcγRI and FcR I.
(Creative Biomart) were first titered on BCMA-K562 and FHVH33-CD8BBZ CAR T cells, respectively by using previously published methods59. PE antibody or BCMA-Fc-PE binding capacity was enumerated using BD Quantibrite™ PE beads using the manufacturer’s suggested protocol (Catalog: 340495, ...
Quantification of CAIX via QuantiBrite beads Skrc-59 Tet-On CAIX cells were counted and seeded at a concentration of 3*105cells/mL into 6-well plates. The respective doxycycline concentration (0.1–1,000 ng/mL) was added and at the indicated time points and the samples were collected by...
Curiously, stimulation with beads coated with anti-CD3 and anti-CD226 Abs was also found to induce ERK phosphorylation which persisted over time in CD96 KO but not WT murine CD8+ T cells, suggesting CD96 dampened T cell activation via CD3 and CD226 engagement. In our study, we sought to ...
Reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) separation was performed with an EASY-nLC system (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany) using a self-packed column (75 µm × 150 mm; 3 µm ReproSil-Pur C18 beads, 120 Å, Dr. Maisch GmbH, Ammerbuch, Germany) at a...