On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, the United States Navy adopted Oerlikon autocannon in 1942. They were without a doubt an upgrade from the M2 Browning machine guns that they replaced, but by this period of WW2, they lacked stopping power against modern aircraft. While the Bofors 40-...
☠ Артиллерияве 54:20 Firing the Most Powerful Anti-Tank Gun o 03:17 German Anti Aircraft Systems of WW1_ 191 11:45 German_Railway_Guns(1080p) 09:26 German_V1_Flying_rocket_instructional_video(720p) 29:01 Heuschrecke_10(1080p) 06:24 LeIG 18 ВИКСевер -...
Anti-tank warfare evolved rapidly during World War II (1939–1945), leading to the inclusion of infantry-portable weapons such as theBazooka, anti-tankcombat engineering, specialized anti-tank aircraft and self-propelled anti-tank guns (tank destroyers). Both the SovietRed Armyand theGerman Armyd...