Islamic antisemitismmobilizestheterroristsof theIslamic Stateto murderJews in Europe,andit ensuresthatnot onlyinAmman,butalsoin BerlinandMalmo, Arabsthreaten Jewswiththisparticularwar cry:Khaybar,Khaybar,OJews;thearmyofMuhammadwillreturn.Khaybaris thenameof an oasisin-habited by Jews thatMuhammad ...
136. Berlin, 10 June. Foodwatch Germany. (2015a). Paralleljustiz im Interesse der Unternehmen? [Courts only acting in the interests of enterprises?]. 2 October. Accessed 15 September 2016. ...
aJewin apost-Holocaustgentile world–Antisemitismas awidespreadgrassrootsculturalphenomenonJewsin GermanyandAustriaFormerlyatthe mainstreamas wellas avant-gardeof its civic institutionsandnationalculture, GermanandAustrianJewrytodayare butapaleshadowoftheirformidablepast,notablyinthe capitalmetropolisesof Berlinand...
2017. “The populism of the Alternative for Germany (AfD): An extended Essex School perspective.” Palgrave Communications 3. doi: Laclau, Ernesto. 1990. New reflections on the revolution of our time. London: Verso. Google Scholar Laclau, Ernesto....