HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Republicans and their anti-abortion allies, who suffered a series of defeats in ballot questions in states across the political spectrum last year, are changing tactics as new legislative sessions and the new election season start
FILE - Protesters are seen outside Planned Parenthood, Sept. 18, 2023, in Milwaukee. On Tuesday, Sept. 26, a coalition of anti-abortion organizations demanded that prosecutors in Wisconsin's two largest counties bring charges against abortion providers...
down 23.7% in 2023 and a further 7.1% in 2024. Fall-offs were seen in residency applications in other specialties that might be affected by abortion bans, such as pediatrics and family medicine.
These interest groups framed the debate surrounding the pill in the abortion arena, effectively hinging its approval on morals rather than the drug's safety and efficacy. Anti-abortion groups wielded a variety of tactics to delay the drug's approval including lobbying U.S. Congr...
Cal Thomas writes in a May 24, 2022 article in The Indiana Gazette titled “Theology, politics, and abortion”: The late columnist Joseph Sobran, a Roman Catholic, summed up the danger of Christians conforming to the world’s thinking: “It can be exalting to belong to a church that ...
The antiabortion law DeSantis signed in 2023 isone of the most stringent in the nationand placed Florida in the forefront of Southern states hostile to women’s reproductive rights. It bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, which is often before a wom...
A study of Chinese textile workers indicated increased odds for spontaneous abortion with increasing total DDT and DDE serum levels (Kelce et al., 1997). Methoxychlor Methoxychlor is a synthetic organochlorine used as an insecticide to protect crops, livestock, and pets against insects. It was ...
Abolition as a socio-economic window into Egypt But legal approaches are not the only form of struggle that exist. Classical abolitionist methodologies can serve as a helpful segue to unravelling the causative factors of incarceration, pushing us from the individually legalistic to the structurally soc...
The only natural host for PRV is pigs, and infection in pregnant sows leads to reproductive disorders such as spontaneous abortion and stillbirth, resulting in significant economic losses in the pig industry [3, 4]. Since 2011, PRV variant strains have been identified in China and have resulted...
/span>❌ Refuses to denounce endorsements from American far-right conspiracy theorists❌ Hangs out with far-right extremist groups with connections to Diagolon❌ Voted to reopen the abortion debate❌ Made it clear he’s willing to use the notwithstanding clause to override Canadians’ Charter...