Marc RiouxUniv of Loughborough, Leicestershire, UKOptics and Lasers in EngineeringOptics & Lasers in EngineeringP. Jones and M. Rioux. Three dimensional surface anthro- pometry: applications to human body. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 28(2):89-117, 1997....
The science of measuring the human body in order to ascertain the average dimensions of the human form at different ages, and in different divisions of race, class etc. [..] + Add translation English-Chinese dictionary 人体测量学 noun Open Multilingual Wordnet 人體測量學 noun GlosbeRese...
anthropometry of the human body anthropometry of the skeleton biometric anthropometry body anthropometry bone anthropometry cross-sectional anthropometry cross-sectional body anthropometry cross-sectional bone anthropometry 以上短语主要用于人体测量和生物计量领域,涉及人体尺寸、结构等方面的测量和分析。 以上是贝语网校...
of Data 数据应用 Chapter 3 : Human body and anthropometry Department of Mechanical Engineering, SME, ZJXU 1 Fitting the Task to the Human 研究目的:使作业适应人 Chapter 3 : Human body and anthropometry Department of Mechanical Engineering, SME, ZJXU 人体测量(Anthropometry) 人体测量是指对人类身体...
anthropometry- measurement and study of the human body and its parts and capacities measurement,measuring,mensuration,measure- the act or process of assigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule; "the measurements were carefully done"; "his mental measurings proved remarkably accurate" ...
Biomedical engineering Development of a three -dimensional anthropometry system for human body composition assessment THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN Bugao Xu YuWurongThe prevalence of obesity has made it necessary to develop a convenient, reliable and safe tool for timely assessing and monitoring ...
Aiming at 18 to 25 years old young female students in Henan region, the paper uses a random sampling method and a three-dimensional body measurement instrument to get static body data and size distribution.It describes the research methodology, data preprocessing methods, makes statistical analysis ...
We propose a novel approach for tracking of human joints based on anthropometric constraints. A human is modeled as a pictorial structure consisting of body landmarks (joints) and corresponding links between them. Anthropometric constraints relate the landmarks of two persons if they are in the ...
In anthropometry, there are many measurements used to assess the size and shape of the human body. Body composition, which relates to the proportion of fat, muscle tissue, bone, and organs in a human body, can also be measured. Answer and Explanation: ...
n. measurement and study of the human body and its parts and capacities以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词anthropometry的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。强烈推荐 名师教学: 语文 英语 其它 教育部资源中心制作的优秀精品课程 新版教材: 语文 英语 其它 囊括统编版、人教版、沪教版等众多...