1.2STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Men and Women are both equal and both play vital roles in the creation and development of their families in particular and the society in general indeed; the struggle for legal equality has been one of the major concerns of women movement all over the world. There...
major blind spots remained in the early 1980ies. To name a few, micro-credit, cultural heritage, disaster preparedness, fighting corruption, and analyzing local governance—all were as yet not on the screen. Governance constraints were suppressed—to the detriment of longer-term structural change: ...
The major take-away is that children can greatly affect how and why their parents interact with information and it goes well beyond age in the sense of restricting material based on age alone, especially the age ratings that are in place today. Finding ways to educate and assist both parent ...
Since the end of the Second World War, the issue of female genital modification has become a problem in the global North; this is because it fits into the discourse of human rights and the birth of major international organisations as outlined in the vision of the Universal Declaration of 194...
e can only comprehend the paths taken by postindustrial locales by attending to the agency of state and major economic actors in shaping territories and resources. POSTINDUSTRIAL POLITICAL ECOLOGY hile trying to understand a globalizing modernity through the idea of disconnection we are forced to ...
planned in ~200 countries as major online universities, and in their main languages for free-to-students' online degrees (and also as wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all 7,151 known living languages)~ ScottMacLeod'sResearchGroup ...
Last year he started a major fundraising initiative to fund the dissemination of the film and to create an online resource. This year he confirmed that he has got funding to screen the film all over the African continent and to set up an archive at the University of Cape Town. This year...
. This literature has played such a major role in anthropology’s drive towards pointing at alternatives to the dominant market economy that accounts of sharing were initially often subsumed under forms of ‘reciprocal gift exchange’ (see Mauss 2004). However, sharing as a social practice runs ...
The other major way has been anthropology, in which the study of art has reflected a number of transitions in the discipline as a whole, shifting from evolutionary perspective, ('proper' art, emerging from 'civilised' peoples, and crude, 'primitive' art) to a modern visual anthropology in ...
Geneva, Switzerland, was beautiful, and being there made me think really hard about how I would maybe want to work for the United Nations one day, which I think would really fit the global character of my interests—I am an anthropology major, after all. France too was wonderful, and I...