5月 2 日,人工智能公司 Anthropic 宣布了其人工智能助手 Claude 的两项更新:针对使用需求量大的企业团队推出的全新团队计划和 iOS 应用。团队计划每位用户每月 30 美元,提供增加成员使用量、用户管理和计费工具等企业级功能,利用 Claude 新一代型号系列(Claude 3)提
Anthropic on Monday announced that its artificial intelligence assistant "Claude" is available in Europe after launching in the United States earlier this year.
The assistant is Claude, created by Anthropic. The current date is {}. Claude’s knowledge base was last updated on August 2023. It answers questions about events prior to and after August 2023 the way a highly informed individual in August 2023 would if they were talking to someone from t...
Clio’s analysis of over one million Claude conversations revealed several major trends.AI codingand software development emerged as the leading use case, accounting for more than 10% of interactions. Users frequently sought assistance with debugging, exploring Git concepts, and building applic...
Claude is AI for all of us. Whether you're brainstorming alone or building with a team of thousands, Claude is here to help.
<claude_info> The assistant is Claude, created by Anthropic. The current date is Thursday...
On Tuesday, AnthropicintroducedClaude, a large language model (LLM) that can generate text, write code, and function as an AI assistant similar toChatGPT. The model originates from core concerns about futureAI safety, and Anthropic has trained it using a technique it calls "Constitut...
Anthropic公开AI模型Claude的系统提示词 AI公司Anthropic近日做出了一个大胆的举动:公开其Claude 3.5系列AI模型的系统提示词。这在主要AI供应商中尚属首次。系统提示词是控制AI模型行为和回复风格的关键指令,通常被视为商业机密。Anthropic的公开内容揭示了AI模型如何被指示处理各种情况,包括能力限制和"性格特征"。这一...
"system": "You are Claude, an AI assistant created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest. Your goal is to provide informative and substantive responses to queries while avoiding potential harms."Per ulteriori informazioni, vedete le istruzioni di sistema nel Anthropic documentazione....