安东尼·特罗洛普(Anthony Trollope;1815年4月24日~1882年12月6日),生于英国伦敦,英国作家。代表作品有《巴彻斯特养老院》和《巴彻斯特大教堂》等。幼年时因家贫在寄宿学校当走读生,曾一度随家人移居比利时。19~52岁在邮局工作,从文牍员当到高级职员,曾参加过议会竞选。长期坚持业余写作,共创作长篇小说47部...
Mid-Victorian authors, drawing on or reacting against classical, chivalric, and Romantic models, revealed their society's paradoxical feelings on this subject. Anthony Trollope's Barsetshire novels also reflect this Victorian cultural and literary ambivalence toward heroism.;Trollope, following a trend ...
Restructuring with Anthony Trollope: Managing Change in Chronicle Provincial Fiction This article examines the series of novels by Anthony Trollope, known as the Barsetshire Chronicles, in relation to the idea of living through infrastructu... R Livesey - 《Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Ninet...
Anthony Trollope In mid-19th century England, an era full of celebrated novelists, Anthony Trollope was one of the most popular and critically acclaimed of them all. Even today, his Chronicles of Barsetshire series is widely read, as are his other novels, many of which deal with criticisms ...
Anthony Trollope ·外国经典 ·6.7万字 免费 John Bull on the Guadalquivir 本书为公版书,为不受著作权法限制的作家、艺术家及其它人士发布的作品,供广大读者阅读交流。汇聚授权电子版权。 Anthony Trollope ·外国经典 ·4.3万字 免费 Aaron Trow 本书为公版书,为不受著作权法限制的作家、艺术家及其它人...
This article examines the series of novels by Anthony Trollope, known as the Barsetshire Chronicles, in relation to the idea of living through infrastructural transition. It contends that the novels, set in and around the fictional cathedral city of Barchester, stage a macro-level experien...
Trollope AnthonyTrol·lope (trŏl′əp), Anthony 1815-1882. British novelist best known for his novels set in the imaginary county of Barsetshire, especially Barchester Towers (1857). Trol·lo′pi·an (trŏ-lō′pē-ən) adj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, ...
Both Trollope and some of his later critics have considered The Last Chronicle to be his greatest novel. Many of its characters are familiar from the earlier Barsetshire novels, including the Rev. Josiah Crawley, the impoverished curate of Hogglestock, whose alleged theft of £20, together wit...
Anthony Trollope In mid-19th century England, an era full of celebrated novelists, Anthony Trollope was one of the most popular and critically acclaimed of them all. Even today, his Chronicles of Barsetshire series is widely read, as are his other novels, many of which deal with criticisms ...
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