You are still strong, and I am young; it is now that I want to reap the fruits of thy life, of thy labors; later they will be stale. The Sunday After Theophany Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom) of Sourozh The light has shone, we must be its beams. A Good Beginning Metropolitan Anthony ...
This book captivated me in many ways. The author's voice is clear and strong; witty and insightful. I felt like I was swept along for the "castle way" ride, and could not put this tome down until I finished it. It's a fantasy world to most of us and few provide entry like Russe...
I love the colour but also have a strong emotional attachment to them. They are exotic and radiate uninhibited sensuality. Perhaps it is passion that burns them out in just a few days. Here are seven of them looking from the garden into “Café Queen Anne”, it was evening and the ...
Standing Strongtells the more than 130-year story of West Bank, an award-winning Midwest regional bank. Since its simple beginnings on the muddy streets of Valley Junction in 1893, West Bank has seen its share of change. As West Des Moines’ oldest existing business, the bank has survived ...
socialism in sheep’s clothing of biblical passages. King’s education was downstream to the theology of SG’s American fountainhead, Walter Rauschenbusch (1861–1918), who at Rochester Theological Seminary had studied under the orthodox Reformed Baptist theologian Augustus Hopkins Strong (1836–1921...
The latter question isn’t as important as the former, but the backlash from the fan base has been so strong it’s worth taking into consideration. If the Davis-Irving pairing proves so dominant it results in multiple championship runs, does it make this all worth it? The reasonable basketb...
The data provided in these options were gathered from hundreds of individuals who scored as strong dominant types in each category on the Gregorc Style Delineator. Through observations, interviews and questionnaires, they offered information as self-confessions of their natural inclinations. Perspectives ...
Moncada is now three years removed from his last strong season. At his best, he has shown above-average power and speed with a patient offensive approach. Moncada took walks at an excellent 13.6% clip back in 2021. He takes a lot of called strikes as well, so he has punched out in ...
Have a strong mind and a soft heart.Anthony J. D'Angelo|RefcardPDF↑ 11 If life doesn't offer a game worth playing, then invent a new one.Anthony J. D'Angelo|RefcardPDF↑ 12 If you believe that discrimination exists, it will.Anthony J. D'Angelo|RefcardPDF↑ ...
Symbolist works had a strong and lasting influence on much British and American literature in the 20th century, however. Their experimental techniques greatly enriched the technical repertoire of modern poetry, and Symbolist theories bore fruit both in the poetry of W.B. Yeats and T.S. Eliot ...