Anatomy Explorer Adductor Magnus Muscle Biceps Femoris Muscle (Long Head) Biceps Femoris Muscle (Short Head) Extensor Digitorum Longus Muscle Gastrocnemius Muscle (Lateral Head) Gastrocnemius Muscle (Medial Head) Gracilis Muscle Oblique Popliteal Ligament Peroneus Longus Muscle Plantaris Muscle Popliteus ...
Anatomy Final Review 73個詞語 Aleyah_Troutt預覽 Urinary system 38個詞語 ColeyTacy預覽 本學習集中的詞語(25) Quadriceps Femoris Largest muscle in anterior compartment, principal knee extensor, has 4 heads converging on quadriceps tendon Rectus Femoris Only quad muscle to cross both the knee and hip...
1.AnatomyA sheet or band of tough, fibrous tissue connecting bones or cartilages at a joint or supporting an organ. 2.A unifying or connecting tie or bond. [Middle English, from Medieval Latinligāmentum, from Latin,bandage, fromligāre,to bind; seelien.] ...
16: Anterior and medial thigh anatomy in female cadavers: Clinical applications to transobturator tape sling excisionWe sought to describe relationships of clinically relevant nerves and vessels of the anterior abdominal wall. The ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves and inferior epigastric vessels were...
The anterior tibialis muscle is displayed on the right leg along with the shin muscles in the same area. On the left leg the muscles located in the front of your shin are layered, showing how some of the muscles are covered by the others, along with the relevant muscles in the back &...
blood supply of the medial/adductor compartment of the thigh mixed 1. obturator supplies region adjacent to origin of muscles 2. femoral artery 3. deep femoral artery: perforating branches, medial femoral circumflex Which nerves lie on the surface and deep to the adductor brevis muscle? anterior ...
1.AnatomyAny of the muscular elastic tubes that form a branching system and that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the body. 2.A major route of transportation into which local routes flow:Traffic was heavy on the central artery. ...
Muscle type:Postural (type 1), with tendency to shorten when chronically stressed Function:Flexes, abducts and medially rotates the thigh at the hip, stabilizes the pelvis, stabilizes the knee by tensing the iliotibial tract Synergists:For flexion: rectus femoris, iliopsoas, pectineus, an...
Session Six Thigh (Compartments) Posterior Compartment Anterior Compartment Medial Compartment Thigh by deep fascia ( fascia lata ) divided in to three compartments and form anatomical spaces (femoral triangle and adductor canal ). Thigh Thigh ANTERIOR COMPARTMENT POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT MEDIAL COMPARTMENT ...
1. Anatomy Any of the muscular elastic tubes that form a branching system and that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the body. 2. A major route of transportation into which local routes flow: Traffic was heavy on the central artery. [Middle English art...