Eliyas S, Martin N. The management of anterior tooth wear using gold palatal veneers in canine guidance. Br Dent J. 2013; 214 :291–297.Eliyas S, Martin N. The management of anterior tooth wear using gold palatal veneers in canine guidance. Br Dent J. 2013;214:291-297....
food, Spine stiffening over time and fusion endpoints were measured. Passive segmental lumbar motion was monitored using noninvasive in vivo angular displacement (NIAD)71at weeks 4, 8 and 12 (Table1). The effect of time on NIAD was assessed after data stratification by treatment. At 12 weeks...
30 These connections have been shown to be excitatory,5 which has been speculated to serve the predatory functions of the canine tooth for the Felidae family.31 The monosynaptic connections via MN do not involve inhibitory interneurons and might be considered fast activators, whereas the poly...
44, and specifically for fusion studies, the NP has been suggested to be anti-osteogenic45,46,47. Prior lumbar IVD implantation to generate anterior fusion included open approaches and chemonucleolysis48,49, active/mechanical NP removal50, or...