Mid portion of the vastus muscles, Broad origin off anterior aspect of femur Sartorius Longest muscle, originates from ASIS, crosses knee to insert on medial aspect of tibia on the Pes Anserinus. Plays important role flexion of the hip and knee, external rotation and abduction of the Hip Ili...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含pronator teres m. origin (ulnar head)、pronator teres m. origin (humeral head)、pronator teres m. insertion等詞語及更多內容的單詞卡。
The meaning of SERRATUS ANTERIOR is a thin muscular sheet of the thorax that arises from the first eight or nine ribs and from the intercostal muscles between them, is inserted into the ventral side of the medial margin of the scapula, and acts to stabil
Contract your abdominal muscles. You can do so by thinking about drawing your belly button towards your spine. Make sure to move your hips into the posterior pelvic tilt position. The goal of this is to feel a deep stretch in the hip flexors in your back leg. Many will find initially t...
Practical 2 muscles : Origin, insertion and actions 21個詞語 olivia_vettorel預覽 Week 15 - Drugs for Neurodegenerative Diseases 43個詞語 Heli_Sheth13預覽 Trifles: The Rise of Modern Feminism on the Stage, Part 1 10個詞語 jas92400預覽 Semester 1 Exam Review Part 1 Quiz: Sancho and Bolsa 9.1...
建立 登入 答案 O: Calcaneus with extensor digitorum brevis I: Base of proximal phalanx of great toe A: Extends proximal phalanx of great toe N: Deep peroneal nerve (L5-S1) B: Dorsalis pedis, lateral tarsal, arcuate, and fibular arteries ...
其他 答案 O: humeri-ulnar head: medial epicondyle and coronoid process; radial head: radius below radial tuberosity A: flexes at PIP joint; strongly flexes MCP joint N: median n (C7-T1) I: sides of shafts of middle phalanges of medial 4 digits V: ulnar a ...