英[æn'teniː] n.天线;【生】触角;触须;〈比喻〉直觉 网络星系触角;触须星系;触角特徵 复数:antennae复数:antennas 同义词 n. feeler,projection,probe,protuberance,whisker 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 antennae 显示所有例句 n. 1. 触角;第二触角;大触角either of the two long thin parts on the...
He tells us of lightless stars, " visible " only to radioantennae. 他对我们谈起一些不发光的星星, 只有无线电天线才可以 " 看见 ". 辞典例句 Its ears were small, cup - shapedantennae. 它的耳朵很小, 是杯子形状的触角. 辞典例句 The characters reach out to one another with the most delicate...
antennae英音: [æn'teni:] 美音: [æn'teni:] 名词 天线,触须,触角,直觉词形变化 形容词: antennal 复数: antennae 相关短语 N. N. N. N. N. N. culture medium 【医】 N.N.N.培养基(含琼脂、盐、兔血,用以培养黑热病病原体) N. P. N. 【医】 非蛋白氮 chen n. yang n. 杨振宁 ...
antennae释义:n. [电讯] 天线(等于aerial);[昆] 触须;[植] 蕊喙;直觉 例句:Their antennae and shells help them to detect and protect the security of themselves.它们的触角和外壳帮助他们探测和保护自身安全。词组:antenna array天线阵 array antenna阵列天线 receiving antennan. 接收天线 s...
@英语查词助手antennae的中文翻译 英语查词助手 antennae的中文翻译是“触角;天线”。它通常用作名词的复数形式,在生物学中常用来指昆虫等动物的触角,而在电子学和通信领域中,则常用来指天线,用于接收或发射无线电波。
antennae的意思天文学 在天文学中,"antennae"(天线)是指一种特殊的星系结构,被称为"Antennae星系"或"Antennae星系云",它位于南天星座天炉座(Fornax)中。Antennae星系是由两个相互交互作用的螺旋星系组成的,它们之间的引力相互作用导致了星系的扭曲和变形,形成了一对长长的"天线"状结构。 Antennae星系是一个非常有趣...
noun an·ten·naan-ˈten-ə pluralantennae-ˈten-(ˌ)ē orantennas 1 plural usually antennae:one of a pair of slender movable organs of sensation on the head of an arthropod (as an insect or a crab) that are made up of segments ...
Pluralantennae(ăn-tĕn′ē) 1.One of a pair of long, slender, segmented structures on the head of insects, centipedes, millipedes, and crustaceans. Most antennae are organs of touch, but some are sensitive to odors and other stimuli. ...