but the source of the values is not well known. It is the purpose of this paper to provide the derivations of these parameters to illustrate the use of antennas and why they work as they do.
由于一些波在基材中传播,另一些波在空气中传播,因此有效介电常数\varepsilon_{eff}引入是为了考虑边缘效应和波在线路中的传播。 Figure 14.5 Microstrip line and its electric field lines, and effective dielectric constant geometry. 为了引入有效介电常数,我们假设中心导体微带线以其原始尺寸和距地平面的高度嵌入...
Abbas MohammedTommy HultSpolecnost pro radioelektronicke inzenyrstviRadioengineeringMohammed A, Hult T. The effects of MIMO antenna system parameters and carrier frequency on active control suppres- sion of EM fields. Radioengineering 16:31-35; 2007....
For any antenna, the preceding parameters are related through 30πle2=RrAe Here, Rr is radiation resistance, where the radiated power of a current-driven antenna is Pr = I2Rr. Table 1 gives often used parameters for short dipoles and for half-wave dipoles. Dipole half-length and monopole...
In order to evaluate the design steps and corresponding |S11| parameters, the effects of changing the number of radiating elements in the PLPA, while keeping σ and τ unchanged, are shown in Fig. 3. It is clear that by adding more elements, the operating bands of the antenna are signific...
The unknown parameters a, b,γ, and α, as well as the rotational parameter ζ, can be solved in terms of ρθ and ρϕ, using the pair of complex equations 6.31 and 6.32. The γ is called the tilt angle, a the major axis, b the minor axis, and α the phase of the ellipse...
Numerical optimization has been ubiquitous in antenna design for over a decade or so. It is indispensable in handling of multiple geometry/material parameters, performance goals, and constraints. It is also challenging as it incurs significant CPU expens
J(V) characteristic of ASPEIT junction.aRed dots:J(V) experimental data, blue line: fitted curve based on the Simmons model (fitting parameters: barrier thickness of 3 nm and mean barrier height of 2.01 ± 0.03 eV, effective electron mass 0.23me).bSemi-log plot ofJ(V) show...
Given the ground station and the satellite trans-receive parameters and their distances, let us find the C/N0 values at the destination receiver. The system design parameters are: Frequency f = 30 GHz Satellite to earth station distance d = 40,000 km Among the ground station parameters, ...
The performance of an antenna system [7, 19] is not restricted to its gain and physical attributes. There are many other parameters that must be considered in evaluating antenna performance. The parameters that define the performance of an antenna system are: • Antenna pattern • Main and ...