联动checkbox A B C D E 布局# Checkbox.Group内嵌Checkbox并与Grid组件一起使用,可以实现灵活的布局API # 属性# Checkbox # 参数说明类型默认值版本 autoFocus 自动获取焦点 boolean false checked 指定当前是否选中 boolean false defaultChecked 初始是否选中 boolean false disabled 失效状态 boolean false in...
v-model 改成 v-model:checked 的组件有: CheckableTag、Checkbox、Switch v-model 改成 v-model:value 的组件有: Radio、Mentions、CheckboxGroup、Rate、DatePicker、Select v-model 改成 v-model:visible 的组件有: Tag、Popconfirm、Popove、Tooltip、Moda、Dropdown ...
<a-form-item name="checkbox-group" label="Checkbox.Group"> <a-checkbox-group v-model:value="formState['checkbox-group']"> <a-row> <a-col :span="8"> <a-checkbox value="A" style="line-height: 32px"> A </a-checkbox> </a-col> <a-col :span="8"> <a-checkbox value="B" ...
AButton: typeof import('ant-design-vue/es')['Button'] ACard: typeof import('ant-design-vue/es')['Card'] ACheckbox: typeof import('ant-design-vue/es')['Checkbox'] ACheckboxGroup: typeof import('ant-design-vue/es')['CheckboxGroup'] ACol: typeof import('ant-design-vue/es')['Co...
selectedKeys A set of keys of selected items. string[] [] showSearch If included, a search box is shown on each column. boolean false showSelectAll Show select all checkbox on the header boolean true 1.5.0 targetKeys A set of keys of elements that are listed on the right column. str...
The components changed from v-model to v-model:value are: Radio, Mentions, CheckboxGroup, Rate, DatePicker、Select The components changed from v-model to v-model:visible are: Tag, Popconfirm, Popove, Tooltip, Moda, Dropdown The components changed from v-model to v-model:activeKey are: Colla...
A carousel component. Scales with its container. When To Use# When there is a group of content on the same level. When there is insufficient content space, it can be used to save space in the form of a revolving door. Commonly used for a group of pictures/cards. ...
{label: t('下拉框'),field:'testSelect',component:'Select',// 选择框还有 RadioGroup、CheckboxGroupcomponentProps: {dictType:'sys_menu_type',// 下拉框选项数据(支持直接指定字典类型)allowClear:true,// 启用空选项,可清空选择mode:'multiple',// 下拉框模块,启用多选}, ...
<divclass="action-columns"ref="root"><a-popover v-model="visible"placement="bottomRight"trigger="click":get-popup-container="() => $refs.root"><div slot="title"><a-checkbox:indeterminate="indeterminate":checked="checkAll"@change="onCheckAllChange"class="check-all"/>列展示<a-button @cl...
Checkbox DatePicker Form Input InputNumber Mentions Radio Rate Select Slider Switch TimePicker Transfer TreeSelect Upload Data Display Avatar Badge Calendar Card Carousel Collapse Comment Descriptions Empty Image List Popover Statistic Table Tabs Tag Timeline Tooltip Tree Feedback Alert Drawer Message Modal ...