用的比拟多的是 vue-element-admin,一方面想试试新一点的技术 vue3.0,另一方面是因为业务线其余我的项目都用的 react + antd,集体也比拟喜爱 antd,所以想试试 antd 的 vue UI 框架,所以找到了这个模版:vue-admin-beautiful 我的项目搭建 clone 下面说的我的项目模板(留神分支,应用的是 vue3.0-antdv) 依照本...
{{ text }}<!--气泡卡片-->内容<!--点击按钮-->预览 antd中按钮是在气泡卡片里面的,当我们使用表格的时候,把按钮从气泡卡片中分离出来,通过click事件控制显现 data(){return{ visible:false,//因为重要是解决气泡卡片问题,表格
vue 使用antd中的form表单是,提交页面刷新 在提交时,要给事件加上e.preventDefault();来阻止默认操作 这样就可以将提交页面刷新的问题解决了
vue3.0-antdv BranchesTags vue-admin-beautiful/deploy.sh Go to file Copy path Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 18 lines (14 sloc)490 Bytes RawBlame #!/usr/bin/env bash set-e npm run build cddist touch .nojekyll git init
Ant Design Pro's implementation with Vue. An out-of-box UI solution for enterprise applications as a React boilerplate. Multiple theme modes available: Preview:https://iczer.gitee.io/vue-antd-admin Documentation:https://iczer.gitee.io/vue-antd-admin-docs FAQ:https://iczer.gitee.io/vue-antd...
参数说明类型默认值 key Vue 需要的 key,建议设置 string - text 选择项显示的文字 string|VNode - onSelect 选择项点击回调 Function(changeableRowKeys) -FilterDropdownProps # interface FilterDropdownProps { prefixCls: string; setSelectedKeys: (selectedKeys: Key[]) => void; selectedKeys: Key[]; ...
antd vue table组件实现分页效果 1、标签中添加属性 :pagination="pagination" 2、data中设置pagination pagination: { current: 1, pageSize: 10, showSizeChanger: true, total: this.total, pageSizeOptions: ['5', '10', '20', '30', '40', '100'], showTotal: (total) =...
When to use JSX.Element vs ReactNode vs ReactElement? How to detect a React component vs. a React element? how to pass props to lazy loading components? Is it possible to use getters/setters in TypeScript Interfaces? - Stack Overflow ...
When to use JSX.Element vs ReactNode vs ReactElement? How to detect a React component vs. a React element? how to pass props to lazy loading components? Is it possible to use getters/setters in TypeScript Interfaces? - Stack Overflow ...