我将我测试的 js 代码贴出来你覆盖过去 看看是不是你要的效果 const { Modal, Button } = antd; class App extends React.Component { state = { visible: false }; showModal = () => { this.setState({ visible: true, visible2:false }); }; handleOk = e => { console.log(e); this.setS...
用onCancel 在 Modal 关闭的时候把 Modal unmount 掉; 如果有用 redux 的话,可以试试 redux-modal。有用1 回复 vsion: 2 怎么做 回复2016-11-25 yesmeck: 就是自己在父组件里记个 visible 的状态,然后 {visible ? <Modal /> : null} 回复2016-11-25 vsion: @yesmeck嗯 这个可以有, 我试一下 ...
Warning: [antd: Modal] Static function can not consume context like dynamic theme. Please use 'App' component instead. react 的model.confirm报错,它意味着你在使用动态主题(Dynamic Theme)时不能在静态函数中使用上下文,需要使用contextHolder const [modal, contextHolder] =Modal.useModal(); React....
1- set a classname to your modal via nzClassName, because later you will use ::ng-deep to set some styles to it, and it is better to have a unique name when working with ng-deep 2- set the overflow value to hidden in your stylesheet app.component.html <nz-modal [(nzVisible)]="...
, "iconcomponent" , "messageclass" , "notice" , "isargsprops" , "api" , "destroy" , "messagekey" , "originalapi" , "getinstance" , "actionbutton" , "clickedref" , "timeoutid" , "autofocus" , "$this" , "handlepromiseonok" , "returnvalueofonok" , "closemodal" , "actionfn"...
dropdown: close context menu on escape (#7915) (6d0032e) dropdown: improve NzContextMenuService#create() (#7768) (9b3e6cb) form: support form label wrap (#7892) (37391de) input: hide stepper for type number (#8003) (0f3aed5) modal: Remove nzComponentParams in v16 (#7930) (baab...
674 - 🌟 Add `destroyOnClose` to Modal component to support unmount child compenents on onClose. [#8769](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/pull/8769) [@Rohanhacker](https://github.com/Rohanhacker) 675 - 🌟 Pagination add `hideOnSinglePage` for support hide it when only ...
onConfirm={() => { that.handleFileDel(r); }} > <Tag color={'red'}>删除</Tag> </Popconfirm> ); }, }, ]; return ( <Modal title="文件列表" visible={show} maskClosable onCancel={this.props.cancel} footer={null} destroyOnClose > <Table dataSource={configs} columns={cols} /...
根据官方实例创建cropper实例组件,由于我们是在上传文件时触发剪切,所有我们可以参照antd-img-crop的实现方式,将cropper组件放入Modal弹框中,在上传时触发弹框显示进行图片裁剪。 <><Upload{...otherProps}beforeUpload={handleBeforeUpload}>{children}</Upload><Modalvisible={visible}onCancel={handleOnCancel}onOk={...
Includes all the props of antd Modal component. additional props PropDefaultTypeDescription dragabletruebooleanWhether to enable drag and drop resetOnClosefalsebooleanWhether to reset the position of the modal when it is closed Package Sidebar