Dropdown下拉菜单✅✅ Menu导航菜单✅❎ Pagination分页✅✅ Steps步骤条❎❎ 数据录入11动画禁用 Checkbox多选框✅✅ ColorPicker颜色选择器✅✅ DatePicker日期选择框✅✅ DatePickerRange日期范围选择框✅✅ Input输入框✅✅ InputNumber数字输入框✅✅ ...
Dropdown 下拉菜单 Menu 导航菜单 Pagination 分页 Steps 步骤条 数据录入 Checkbox 多选框 ColorPicker 颜色选择器 DatePicker 日期选择器 DatePickerRange 日期范围选择器 Input 输入框 InputNumber 数字输入框 Radio 单选框 Rate 评分 Select 选择器 SelectMultiple 多选选择器 ...
antd input with select #需求 用antd实现类似百度搜索框,带搜索的input文本输入框 #分析 antd <Select> 有自带搜索的功能,但搜索后必须选择已有筛选项,不能自定义输入 antd <Input> 没有发现有类似带搜索的功能(maybe没发现,如果有同学发现,请联系我,感谢) 可以使用: antd <Au ... ...
disableDropdownDisables the manual country selection through the dropdown menu.boolean disableParenthesesDisables parentheses from the input masks. Default enabled.boolean onlyCountriesCountry codes to be included in the list. E.g.onlyCountries={['us', 'ca', 'uk']}.string[] ...
, "dropdownrender" , "otherprops" , "isrtllayout" , "clearicon" , "arrowcls" , "pickercls" , "inputprops" , "generatefilteredoptions" , "dropdownmenucolumnstyle" , "isnotfound" , "isemptynode" , "resultlistmatchinputwidth" , "matchinputwidth" , "inputicon" , "getlabel" , "...
Showing 24 changed files with 194 additions and 192 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified src/AntdUI Controls Alert.cs Carousel.cs ColorPicker.cs Dropdown.cs FloatButton.cs InputNumber.cs Menu.cs Notification.cs Pagination.cs Panel.cs Progress.cs Segmented.cs...
import { Form, Modal, Input, Radio, message, Row } from 'antd'; import './EditFromindex.less' import { updatepassword } from '@/service/userService'; interface EditFormProps { visible: boolean; onSubmit: () => void; onCancel: () => void; ...
nz-select:When passing in 'nzNotFoundContent' to 'TemplateRef', closing the dropdown menu will cause shaking🐛 BugComponent: Select #8931 openedDec 13, 2024bydenny9625 [nzSize] and [nzBorderless] don't work when using nz-input-groupComponent: Input ...
1278 - 🆕 ConfigProvider 添加 `input` 属性以支持全局化配置 Input `autoComplete` 的默认值。[#23455](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/pull/23455) 1279 - 🐞 修复 ConfigProvider `getPopupContainer` 对DatePicker 和 Slider 不生效的问题。[#23594](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-...
<Input /> </Form.Item> <Form.Item wrapperCol={{ span: 24, }} label={t('分类标签')} name='tags' > <Select mode='tags' dropdownStyle={{ display: 'none', }} placeholder={t('请输入分类标签(请用回车分割)')} ></Select> </Form.Item> <Form.Item name='id' hidden> <Input /...