InputNumber Enter a number within certain range with the mouse or keyboard. When To Use# When a numeric value needs to be provided. Examples 当前值:3 Basic usage Numeric-only input box. TS Sizes There are three sizes available to a numeric input box. By default, the size is32px. The ...
同时添加一些默认行为,让我们的表单更加好用。 以ProFormDigit 为例,ProFormDigit 是在 inputNumber 中的基础上进行了二次封装,我们可以直接在 ProFormDigit 上通过 fieldProps 向 inputNumber 组件上进行属性透传,这个属性也可以是类似于 onBlur 之类的事件 <ProFormDigitlabel="总量"name="totalCount"readonly={...
InputNumber } from 'antd'; import { store } from '../../store'; const columnsMeta = (attrs: GoodsAttrVo[], goodsPriceObj: Record<string, number>) => defineProTableColumn<GoodsVo>( // @ts-ignore attrs .map((item) => ({ title: item.pidName, key:, isEditable: false,...
Apart from the phone-specific properties described below, allInputproperties supported by the used Ant Design version can be applied to the phone input component. PropertyDescriptionType valueAn object containing a parsed phone number or the raw number. This also applies to theinitialValueproperty of...
针对表单域里面的 a-input、a-select 这类组件进行封装,统一属性和事件,简化操作。这样一行一个字段,写起来就很简洁了,具体封装方法可以看这里: 二级封装 使用v-for循环a-form-item,这样字段再多也不怕。
39 id?: number | string;40 name?: string;41 value?: any;42 defaultValue?: any;43 placeholder?: string;44 size?: 'large' | 'default' | 'small';45 disabled?: boolean;46 readOnly?: boolean;47 addonBefore?: React.ReactNode;48 addonAfter?: React.ReactNode...
973 - 💄 调整 InputNumber 操作栏在 `readOnly` 时为隐藏。[#25998]( 974 - 国际化 975 - 🌐 添加加利西亚语支持。[#26015]( [@barreeeiroo]( ...
span="6"> <a-checkable-tag v-model="checked" @change="handleChange"> 年龄 </a-checkable-tag> <a-input-number :min="1" :max="100" style="width: 180px" placeholder="请输入年龄" /> </a-col> <a-col :span="6"> <a-button type="primary"> 查询 </a-button> <a-...
numberInputNumber selectSelectTypically you need to providechildrenproperty for Option array to the field meta metioned above. To make it easy to use, you can provide anoptionsarray to the field meta, internally it will be convented tochildrenproperty. Explained below. ...