更快的构建网站 1 2 Components Overview Other Affix ConfigProvider FloatButtonNew WatermarkNew AppNew General Button Icon Typography Layout Divider FlexNew Grid Layout Space Navigation Anchor Breadcrumb Dropdown Menu PageHeader Pagination Steps Data Entry ...
'手风琴' 是一种特殊的折叠面板,只允许单个内容区域展开。 代码演示 This is panel header 1 A dog is a type of domesticated animal.Known for its loyalty and faithfulness,it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world. ...
Layout:布局容器,其下可嵌套HeaderSiderContentFooter或Layout本身,可以放在任何父容器中。 Header:顶部布局,自带默认样式,其下可嵌套任何元素,只能放在Layout中。 Sider:侧边栏,自带默认样式及基本功能,其下可嵌套任何元素,只能放在Layout中。 Content:内容部分,自带默认样式,其下可嵌套任何元素,只能放在Layout中。
ant design vue part 1 Ant Design, a design language for background applications, is refined by Ant UED Team. 156 156 2 ant design vue part 2 Ant Design, a design language for background applications, is refined by Ant UED Team.
<template> </template> import locale from 'ant-design-vue/es/date-picker/locale/zh_CN'; import { defineComponent } from 'vue'; export default defineComponent({ setup() { return { locale, value: null, }; }, }); <template> </template> // The default locale is en-US, i...
Navigation is an important part of any website, as a good navigation setup allows users to move around the site quickly and efficiently. Ant Design offers two navigation options: top and side. Top navigation provides all the categories and functions of the website. Side navigation provides the...
Ant Design Vue Docs Components Store 4.2.6中文More Basic Usage Button with dropdown menu Other elements Placement Arrow pointing at the center Trigger mode Context Menu Click event The way of hiding menu. Arrow Cascading menu Loading API
Layout:布局容器,其下可嵌套HeaderSiderContentFooter或Layout本身,可以放在任何父容器中。 Header:顶部布局,自带默认样式,其下可嵌套任何元素,只能放在Layout中。 Sider:侧边栏,自带默认样式及基本功能,其下可嵌套任何元素,只能放在Layout中。 Content:内容部分,自带默认样式,其下可嵌套任何元素,只能放在Layout中。
Ant Design Vue Docs Components Store 3.2.20中文More Surely Table 构建更快的网站 更快的构建网站 雪梨表单、为您定制 专属的调研,投票、NPS、报名等系统 Surely Table 构建更快的网站 更快的构建网站 雪梨表单、为您定制 专属的调研,投票、NPS、报名等系统 Surely Table 构建更快的网站 更快的构建...
While part offormatis omitted, the corresponding column in panel will disappear, too. TS The input box comes in three sizes. large is used in the form, while the medium size is the default. TS Add status to DatePicker withstatus, which could beerrororwarning. ...