Overview ant-design-vueprovides plenty of UI components to enrich your web applications, and we will improve components experience consistently. Other 4 Affix ConfigProvider FloatButton Watermark General 3 Button Icon Typography
该框架应能够扩展以支持工业场景中的大规模分布式训练,例如数百个节点。 B. System Overview B. 系统概述 In this section, we outline the design of the entire system. The framework comprises four components: the Stateful Data Sharding Service (Stateful DDS), AntDT Monitor, Controller, and Agent, as...
components Fix/date picker locale (#28016) 4年前 docs docs(📖): update FAQ 4年前 scripts chore: improve code style (#27266) 4年前 site site: fix Table Drag sorting demo 4年前 tests test: disable image request 4年前 typings
一款基于当前最前沿的前端(Vue3 + Vite + Antdv)和后台(Spring boot)实现的低代码开发平台。 简介 Seezoon Stack以快速开发为目的,在开发速度和代码结构上做出一定取啥,无论如何,你将看到非常地道的 Java 常用开发框架使用。该项目采用主流开发框架,无论打包、编译、部署都按着大公司的标准完成并不断逐步完善。
1350 - 📖 新增组件[总览页面](https://ant.design/components/overview-cn)。[#24491](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/pull/24491) [@arvinxx](https://github.com/arvinxx) 1351 - 🛠 增加大量功能,同时减少了包体积(相比 `4.2.5` 减少了 2KB)。[#24584](https://github.com/ant...
1080 - 📖 Add components [overview page](https://ant.design/components/overview). [#24491](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/pull/24491) [@arvinxx](https://github.com/arvinxx) 1081 - 🛠 Optimize dependencies to reduce overall package size. [#24584](https://github.com/ant...
Overview The Awesome Components Library with Formily & Ant Design. Features 🖼 Designable, You can quickly develop forms at low cost through Form Builder. 🚀 High performance, fields managed independently, rather rerender the whole tree. 💡 Integrated Alibaba Fusion and Ant Design components are...
Ant Design Vue 2https://2x.antdv.com/components/overview-cn/组件 TypeScript 4https://www.typescriptlang.org/zh/JavaScript 超集 Windi Csshttps://windicss.org/guide/css 辅助类 Iconifyhttps://iconify.design/图标库 前端框架 forkVue vben admin 2.0,定期会合并上游特性,具体组件请参考 Vben admin...
An enterprise-class UI design language and React components implementation. Latest version: 5.24.0, last published: 4 days ago. Start using antd in your project by running `npm i antd`. There are 12274 other projects in the npm registry using antd.
Import required React Bootstrap components within src/App.js file or your custom component files: import { Navbar, Jumbotron, Button } from 'react-bootstrap'; Now you are ready to use the imported React Bootstrap components within your component hierarchy defined in the render method. Here is...