Participants were 117 men and women who participated in Australian Antarctic expeditions between 1950 and 2000. The results showed that person – culture fit was related to job satisfaction and group cohesion. Person – culture fit and demographic characteristics such as age and gender were...
There are downsides. When they do appear in his paintings, his literal figures and landscapes (such as people, boats and bays), are weak. But that’s not what this artist is about. His screen print work of the mid to late 1970s lead him into a formally stylistic dead end. But he w...
Eight expeditions were active in the Ross Sea region during the Heroic Era of Antarctic history (1895-1917), leaving behind some of the most important relics relating to humanity’s discovery of the continent. The Ross Sea provides the shortest overland route to the South Pole. The pursuit of...
The real origin dates back to even earlier. In 1882 and 1932 there were International Polar Years dedicated to researching the polar regions of the Earth. In a way, it makes sense to do this. Why should 60 or more countries each mount difficult, dangerous, and expensive expeditions to such...
Three other great national expeditions were made between 1819 and 1843 by the French Admiral Dumont d'Urville, who discovered the Adélie and Clarie coasts in 1840; by U.S. Navy Lieutenant Charles Wilkes, who mapped 1,500 miles of Antarctica's coast south of Australia in 1839-1840, proving...
An Antarctica Travel Guide: A two-week sea journey with Quark expeditions, from Argentina to below the Antarctic circle and back.
2013). A total of 45 specimens of non-indigenous lichens belonging to 24 species alien to the Antarctic biota were found on the cargo of one of the expeditions (mostly on wooden pallets and cases; Osyczka 2010). Also nine species of macrofungi were discovered on timber brought for one of...
Want to experience Antarctica’s wonders for yourself? Natural Habitat Adventures has a whole slate ofcruising expeditionsto the bottom of the world. You’ll find surprisingly comfortable small ships — typically retrofitted research vessels with ice-strengthened hulls — with an ace team of naturalist...
“It’s the last place on Earth; it’s almost like going to the moon in a logistical sense,” she said. The hazards were apparent on a recent trip by scientists setting out on a range of expeditions, accompanied by NSF staffers evaluating environment and safety problems. ...
In addition our expedition included environmental impact studiescarried out by the Environmental Officer, who also remained at Svea,together with a photographer. British and German-led expeditionshad further teams simultaneously working, respectively, atangles onedegree of latitude south and one degree ...