<ProForm.Item label="图标"> <Row gutter={5}> <Col className="gutter-row" span={19}> <ProForm.Item noStyle name="icon"> <ProFormDependency name={['icon']}> {({ icon }) => { if (icon != undefined) { return <Input placeholder={'请选择图标'} suffix={fixIcon(icon)} />; }...
v-model="form.serveStartTime" type="date" @change="dateServiceChange()" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择服务开始时间"> </el-date-picker> </el-form-item> </el-col> <el-col :span="12"> <el-form-item label="服务结束时间" prop="serveEndTime"> <el-date-picker clearable...
<a-card :bordered="false" style="100%"> <a-form-model :model="form" :label-col="labelCol" :wrapper-col="wrapperCol"> <a-form-model-item label="审核状态"> <a-select v-model="form.region" placeholder="所有"> <!-- <span>审核状态</span> --> <a-select-option value="shanghai"...
target.value)} /> </Form.Item> <Form.Item name="b"> <Input /> </Form.Item> <Form.Item> <Button type="primary" htmlType="submit">Submit</Button> </Form.Item> </Form> ); }; export default YourComponent; 在这个例子中,我们使用 formRef 来引用表单并将其设置为 Form 组件的 ref 属...
🐛 bug 描述 EditableProTable 中调用setRowData报错 rowData.some is not function 📷 复现步骤 EditableProTable 与 FormItem 共用时报错,复现步骤为,在可编辑表格中点击按钮通过ref调用setRowData时报错。 rowData初始值为EditableProTable 的数组数据。调用setRow
This problem is not only in Row, but also in Form.Item. The official example also has unnecessary scrollbars, when the width is small enough. https://codesandbox.io/s/6dtwbj When the width is small enough, the 'wrapperCol' should be ignored or the 'offset' should be 0. 😕 1 9...
0.12.14没有这个问题 0.12.17有这个问题 贴部分代码 const rowSelection = { onChange(selectedRowKeys, selectedRows) { updateButton(selectedRows); //事实上选不中 因此selectedRows这里一直是空数组 }, }; 下面是显示部分, 其实感觉没什么好贴得 <FormItem> <Table ro