Code Issues Pull requests 🚀 Modern Task System for Project Building, Testing and Deploying !! vim cmake build msbuild neovim vim-plugin ant vim-plugins neomake pandoc tasks rake make neovim-plugin asyncrun neovim-plugins asynctasks Updated Sep 27, 2024 Vim Script NG...
Testing RSSI applications -ANT USB sticks do not support RSSI; you'd need to use an actual Android device (i.e. not an emulator) to use RSSI. Tip: Set the localhost IP address to Download:ANT Android Emulator Bridge Tool
testing, and staging before releasing to a production environment. scripted retrieval and deployment of components can make this process much more efficient. repetitive deployment using the same parameters—you can retrieve all the metadata in your organization, make changes, and deploy a subset of co...
testing, and staging before releasing to a production environment. scripted retrieval and deployment of components can make this process much more efficient. repetitive deployment using the same parameters—you can retrieve all the metadata in your organization, make changes, and deploy a subset of co...
Create a separate (MySQL/MariaDB-)database for testing (antragsgruen_tests) Set up the configuration file: cp config/config_tests.template.json config/config_tests.json && vi config/config_tests.json Download ChromeDriver and move the binary into the PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin/) Download ...
然后在Manage Jenkins>>>Global Tool Configuration中配置JDK和Ant的工作路径。 配置工作项目 在Jenkins主页点击New Item,输入项目名称,选择Freestyle project,点击ok会进入到项目配置页面。因 为我已经建好了项目,这里会提示项目名称已存在,项目名称建议大家用英文。
for autobuilds testing. --> </target> <target name="warfile" depends="build" description="Build the web application archive"> <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}"/> <war warfile="${dist.dir}/${name}.war" basedir="${war.dir}" webxml="${webcontent.dir}/WEB-INF/web.xml"> ...
3,安装完成之后,点击Manage Jenkins(管理Jenkins)--》Global Tool Configuration(全局工具配置),配置ANT变量路径 4,配置JDK和ANT,点应用-保存Name随便填写,ANT_HOME填写自己的JDK和ANT安装目录 5,点击新建Item,输入任务名称,新建一个自由风格的任务,点击确定 ...
package.json: {"name":"antd-demo","version":"0.1.0","private":true,"dependencies": {"@ant-design/icons":"^4.2.1","@babel/core":"7.9.0","@svgr/webpack":"4.3.3","@testing-library/jest-dom":"^4.2.4","@testing-library/react":"^9.3.2","@testing-library/user-event":"^7.1...
<echo message="Doing testing for jacoco"/> <macrodef name="junit-impl"> <attribute name="test.type"/> <attribute name="" default="false"/> <sequential> <jacoco:coverage destfile="${build.test.results.dir}/${}_jacoco.exec"> ...