:no-button 适用于track pieces,轨道结束的位置没有按钮 :corner-present 适用于所有scrollbar,滚动条的角落是否存在 :window-inactive 适用于所有scrollbar,包含滚动条的区域,焦点不在该窗口的时候 :enabled, :disabled, :hover , :active 这些伪类同样适用 下面贴一下我改写的antd滚动条样式吧 .ant-table-cell-s...
使用 Table.Summary.Cell 同步Column 的固定状态。你可以通过配置 Table.Summary 的fixed 属性使其固定(4.16.0 支持)。 BorderedBordered FixedFixed ExpandableExpandable EmptyEmpty None Less Lot Scroll To index 999 IDFistNameLastNameGroupAgeAddress 1Address 2Address 3Action 0 First_0 Last_0 25 London No....
class="ant-table-cell" > New York No. 1 Lake Park New York No. 0 Lake Park </td> <td class="ant-table-cell" @@ -6911,7 +6911,7 @@ Array [ </tr> <tr class="ant-table-row ant-table-row-level-0" data-row-key="2" data-row-key="1" > <td class="ant-table-cell ant...
Sync column fixed status with Table.Summary.Cell. You can fixed it by set Table.Summary fixed prop(since 4.16.0). BorderedBordered FixedFixed ExpandableExpandable EmptyEmpty None Less Lot Scroll To index 999 IDFistNameLastNameGroupAgeAddress 1Address 2Address 3Action 0 First_0 Last_0 25 London...
const dom = findNeedNode(tableRef.current, 'virtual-grid')?.flat(Infinity)[0]; const clientHeight = dom?.children[0]?.clientHeight if (!clientHeight) return; // 这个为滚动条的高度 const scrollBarHeight = 16; if ((clientHeight - scroll.y) + scrollBarHeight > scrollTop + 1 + lh__pag...
💄 Fix the scroll bar height is not 0 when the first row of the virtual scroll Table is collapsed. #52447 @LeeSSHH 💄 Fix the last item in Descriptions did not correctly fill the remaining space. #52410 @anyuxuan 💄 Fix extra margin for the last item in Radio. #52433 💄 Fix...
🐞 Fix Table cell overflow bug if edit with virtual scroll. #50737 @huiliangShen 🐞 Fix Input.Search button radius not changing with size. #50734 @afc163 🐞 Fix Form password still can be toggle show/hide even if disabled. #50616 @Jarryxin 🐞 Revert #49899 to fix wrap behavior...
, "monthtable" , "cellrender" , "svalue" , "setandselectvalue" , "months" , "rowindex" , "colindex" , "currentmonth" , "monthsels" , "tds" , "monthdata" , "testvalue" , "classnamemap" , "cellel" , "currentvalue" , "getnowbycurrentstatevalue" , "momenttype" , "find...
🛠 重构 Table ref 支持scrollTo 以滚动到目标 key 或index 或top。#45245 Tabs 🆕 Tabs items 支持单个标签页设置 destroyInactiveTabPane。#45359 🐞 修复 Tabs 的标签宽度存在小数时,滚动会出现抖动的问题。#45370 ConfigProvider 🆕 ConfigProvider 支持 RangePicker 组件的 className 和style 属性。
@table-sticky-scroll-bar-bg stickyScrollBarBg - @table-sticky-scroll-bar-radius stickyScrollBarBorderRadius - Tabs 标签页 Less 变量Component Token备注 @tabs-card-head-background cardBg - @tabs-card-height cardHeight - @tabs-card-active-color itemSelectedColor - @tabs-card-horizontal-padding ca...