Classification rule mining using ant programming guided by grammar with multiple pareto fronts - Olmo, Romero, et al. () Citation Context the strategy found in Ant-Miner [18], the first ACO-based rule induction algorithm, and its many extensions [7, 12]. One of the few exceptions...
This paper proposes a multi-objective ant programming algorithm for mining classification rules, MOGBAP, which focuses on optimizing sensitivity, specificity, and comprehensibility. It defines a context-free grammar that restricts the search space and ensures the creation of valid individuals, and its ...
Cano A, Olmo JL, Ventura S (2013) Parallel multi-objective ant programming for classification. J Parallel Distrib Comput 73:713–728A. Cano, J. L. Olmo, and S. Ventura, "Parallel multi-objective ant pro- gramming for classification using GPUs," J. Parallel Distrib. Comput., vol. 73,...
面向过程编程(Procedural Programming) Procedural programming uses a list of instructions to tell the computer what to do step-by-step. 面向过程编程依赖 - 你猜到了- procedures,一个procedure包含一组要被进行计算的步骤, 面向过程又被称为top-down languages, 就是程序从上到下一步步执行,一步步从上到下...
+ Ethical Hacking Expert This Course Provide the opportunity to student & IT Professional who is interested to make career in... + Python Python is a high-level, interpreted, interactive and object-oriented scripting language. + Big Data Programming ...
AiDex Sharp 快速开发平台基于著名的开源项目“若依-RuoYi-Vue”改造而成,追求极致的UI交互体验和快速开发,一切向效率看齐,重构优化后端的代码,对前端页面进行了美化。我们将持续升级,持续完善,欢迎友友们收藏和点赞。 感谢RuoYi-Vue 感谢RuoYi-Antdv 系统截图 ...
openapi 即开放 API,也称开放平台。 所谓的开放 API(OpenAPI)是服务型网站常见的一种应用,网站的服务商将自己的网站服务封装成一系列 API(Application Programming Interface,应用编程接口)开放出去,供第三方开发者使用,这种行为就叫做开放网站的 API,所开放的 API 就被称作 OpenAPI(开放 API )。
A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that is widely used among developers working in that language. The "System Libraries" of an ...
We are committed to facilitating the digital transformation of Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and merchants, assisting businesses in reducing costs, enhancing efficiency and growing sustainably. Through introducing digital products, application programming interfaces (APIs) and platform resources, Alipay ...