Our service specialists are familiar with the behaviors of many species of ants and will apply the appropriate remedy as needed. Our ants control services are suitable for both commercial and residential users, regardless of the size of the infestation. Because each species has distinct feeding ...
Before you can tackle the problem of ants in your house, you need to confirm that you’re dealing with an infestation. Here’s how to identify an ant infestation: Live ants: If you’re seeing large numbers of live ants in your home, especially in the kitchen or bathroom, you might hav...
Professional Moistureant Control If you find that you have a serious infestation of Moisture ants, you’re most likely dealing with bigger problems than ants. It is important to kill off any colonies nesting in or around your home, but the problem won’t be permanently fixed until all moist ...
1/4 cup liquid dish detergent per gallon of boiling water (add soap after pot has been removed from heat). This will likely kill surrounding grass and plants. (Good remedy for fire ants). Pour large amounts of cider vinegar down inside the ant hill. Do this around the surrounding area ...
Frass isexcrement from the digestive system of various pests. This material contains what the insect has been eating, and the term is often associated with wood-eating pests like termites or carpenter ants. Insect frass is a visible sign of an infestation, but there are different types of fras...