描述 Sorry to announce but Ant Video downloader is discontinued and will no longer be supported. Support is closed. If Native app download link is not working, try the following file shares: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fdcailfty0eh1x5/AVD-NativeApp-4.18.7-Release.msi?dl=0 https://fex....
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Choose the AntDM that's best for you. GiveawayFreeTrial (30 days)Full-Pro Integration to Chrome, Firefox, Edge and their clones Capture audio and video files Downloading media playlist Downloading any files without speed limit Installation \ re-installation ...
Choose the AntDM that's best for you. GiveawayFreeTrial (30 days)Full-Pro Integration to Chrome, Firefox, Edge and their clones Capture audio and video files Downloading media playlist Downloading any files without speed limit Installation \ re-installation ...
Updated HLS downloader. Fixed ffmpeg video conversion crash for x32 version. Fixed memory leaks. Fixed internal thread synchronization. Refactoring and bug fix. Operating System: Windows 7 Windows 8, 8.1 Windows 10 Windows 11 Screenshots: Ant Download Manager Pro Latest Version Free Down...
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Choose the AntDM that's best for you. GiveawayFreeTrial (30 days)Full-Pro Integration to Chrome, Firefox, Edge and their clones Capture audio and video files Downloading media playlist Downloading any files without speed limit Installation \ re-installation ...
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