TreeSelect 树型选择控件 何时使用 类似Select 的选择控件,可选择的数据结构是一个树形结构时,可以使用 TreeSelect,例如公司层级、学科系统、分类目录等等。 代码演示 Please select 基本用法# 最简单的用法。 Please select 多选# 多选的树选择。 Please select ...
1.开发环境 vue2.电脑系统 windows10专业版3.在使用ant-design-vue开发的过程中,我们在使用树形选择的时候,由于数据量过大,我们一般会点击父节点来请求子节点...
loadData异步加载数据function(node)- loadedKeys(受控)已经加载的节点,需要配合loadData使用string[] | number[][] multiple支持点选多个节点(节点本身)booleanfalse selectable是否可选中booleantrue selectedKeys(.sync)(受控)设置选中的树节点string[] | number[]- ...
ant design vue中使用TreeSelect懒加载 项目中使用下拉机构懒加载,tree Select控件。1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 triggerNode.parentNode" :replace-fields="{children:'children', key:'id', value: 'label'}" :tree-data="orgTree" :load-data="onLoad...
antdesignvue中使用TreeSelect懒加载 antdesignvue中使⽤TreeSelect懒加载 项⽬中使⽤下拉机构懒加载,tree Select控件。 triggerNode.parentNode":replace-fields="{children:'children', key:'id', value: 'label'}":tree-data="orgTree":load-data="onLoadData"placeholder="请选择施⼯单位"allow-clear>...
Reproduction link Steps to reproduce 参见链接 What is expected? 控制台不会报错:Warning: Tree missing follow keys What is actually happening? 控制台报错:Warning: Tree missing follow keys github-actionsbotchanged the titletreeSelect 为异步加载,数据回显会提示 Warning: Tree missing follow keysJan 25, ...
import { TreeSelect } from 'ant-design-vue'; import { defineComponent, ref, toRefs, watch } from 'vue'; const treeData = [ { title: '部门0-0', value: '0-0', key: '0-0', children: [ { title: '部门0-0-0', value: '0-0-0', ...
How does TreeSelect's asynchronous loading (lazy loading) echo data? Nov 22, 2021 tangjinzhou added the Usage label Nov 27, 2021 github-actions bot commented Nov 27, 2021 Hello @qian-zs, we use GitHub issues to trace bugs or discuss plans of Ant Design Vue. So, please don't ask ...
Tree selection control. When To Use TreeSelectis similar toSelect, but the values are provided in a tree like structure. Any data whose entries are defined in a hierarchical manner is fit to use this control. Examples of such case may include a corporate hierarchy, a directory structure, and...
Ant Design Vue中TreeSelect详解 <template></template>import{TreeSelect}from'ant-design-vue';import{ defineComponent, ref, toRefs, watch }from'vue';consttreeData = [ {title:'部门0-0',value:'0-0',key:'0-0',children: [ {title:'部门0-0-0',value:'0-0-0',key:'0-0-0', }, ], }...