import { createVNode, onMounted, reactive, watch, ref } from "vue"; import { message, Modal } from "ant-design-vue"; import { ExclamationCircleOutlined, } from "@ant-design/icons-vue"; const props = defineProps<{ visible: boolean; }>(); ...
使用createVNode()方法,根据不同的图标动态创建渲染一个dom组件元素。打包后体积正常,不会产生多余的空间。 // icon.tsimport{createVNode,Component,VNode}from'vue'// 这里需要关联到路由表的图标 需要用的图标都需要在这里引入import{CalculatorOutlined,CrownOutlined}from'@ant-design/icons-vue'exportconstantIcon=...
import { createVNode as _createVNode } from "vue"; import Notification from '../vc-notification'; import LoadingOutlined from '@ant-design/icons-vue/LoadingOutlined'; import ExclamationCircleFilled from '@ant-design/icons-vue/ExclamationCircleFilled'; import CloseCircleFilled from '@ant-design/ic...
相对于正常开发我们使用了 vue 的render 、component 的 is 、createVnode,借助了 arco-design-react 封装的 useModal, ant-design-vue 的Modal.confirm 思路来自动动手改造了一版,vue 版本的 useModal 与命令式 的使用方法。当然如果能够在vue中熟练使用 jsx 语法, 那基于这个封装简直是再简单不过了。 最后感谢...
先去到node_modules/ant-design-vue/es/message/index.js查看代码 import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends"; import { createVNode as _createVNode } from "vue"; import Notification from '../vc-notification'; import LoadingOutlined from '@ant-design/icons-vue/LoadingOutlined'; ...
antdesign组件库变量命名规范 ant design vue组件库 写的不错! 阿里的前端整体水平可以说是国内top级别的,相关开源的组件库,尤其ant-design(react版本),在国内外有着较高的使用率。在随着前端技术栈的不断完善,相应匹配的组件库也伴随着版本的迭代。而这些组件库的迭代流程以及内部组件的实现是怎么样的,是值得每...
Use a Form to create or edit a set of information. Processing subtasks. When subtasks are too heavy for a Popover and we still want to keep the subtasks in the context of the main task, Drawer comes very handy. When the same Form is needed in multiple places. ...
cancelTextText of the Cancel button() => VNodeCancel centeredCentered ModalBooleanfalse closableWhether a close (x) button is visible on top right of the modal dialog or notbooleanfalse classclass of containerstring- contentContent() => VNode- ...
<template><contextHolder/><!-- <component :is='contextHolder'/> --></template>import{message}from'ant-design-vue';const[messageApi,contextHolder]=message.useMessage();{// ...}); Note:You must insertcontextHolderinto your children with hooks. You can use origin method if...