An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library. Changelog·Report Bug·Request Feature· English ·中文 ️ Sponsors and Backers 🌈 Enterprise-class UI designed for web applications. 📦 A set of high-quality React components out of the box. ...
CodeSandbox Templatefor bug reports Awesome Ant Design Customize Theme How to Apply for Being A Collaborator Non-React Implementations React is used to encapsulate a library of components which embody our design language. We welcome the community to implement our design systemin other front-end framew...
Vue和React两个AntDesign可复用Modal Template React Ant Design Modal * useModal.js exportfunctionuseModal(callbackOk, callbackCancel) { const[visible, setVisible] =useState(false) constshowModal= () => { setVisible(true) } consthandleOk= () => { callbackOk().then(res=>{ if(res)setVisible(...
Free and easy-to-use admin template based on React 17+ - lightence-ant-design-react-template/ at main · lqfcn/lightence-ant-design-react-template
admin-antd-react-vite 此分支是 Vite + React 18 + Ant Design + Recoil 版本 , Webpack UmiJS 版本请查看 v1.0-umijs (分支)(github、gitee) Demo 注意:Demo 用的是在线mock服务,不稳定,若在线登录不了pull到本地可直接运行查看demo ...
ant design of vue固定表头,前言:最近重构的项目中有这样一个页面,一个固定表头和列的表格,表格列数较多,大概有60多列,200多条数据,而且表格需要实现拖拽滚动功能。原页面的表格是用的一个比较老旧的表格插件实现,拖拽滚动是用iScroll.js实现的,性能很差,即使每页
An enterprise-class UI design language for web applications. A set of high-quality Vue components out of the box. SharedAnt Design of Reactdesign resources. Environment Support# Modern browsers and Internet Explorer 9+ (withpolyfills) Server-side Rendering ...
<template> <contextHolder /> <!-- <component :is='contextHolder'/> --> </template> import { Modal } from 'ant-design-vue'; const [modal, contextHolder] = Modal.useModal(); modal.confirm({ // ... }); 可通过 App 包裹组件 简化useModal等方法需要手动植入 contextHolder 的问题。
To start using the Ant Design React component system, install antd: npm i --save antd We now have all the tools we need to create our prototype. Let's use our environment to create a high-precision prototype of the todo application. ...
Ant design forms come with predefined validation rules, default value options, and various inputs. Create a CustomForm component in the components folder and add the following code: import React from 'react'; import { Button, Form, Input, InputNumber } from 'antd'; const layout = { labelCo...