Ant Design font for react native vector icons. Latest version: 4.4.2-alpha.34, last published: 7 days ago. Start using @react-native-vector-icons/ant-design in your project by running `npm i @react-native-vector-icons/ant-design`. There are no other proj
// .babelrc or babel-loader option{"plugins":[["import",{libraryName:"@ant-design/react-native"}]// 与 Web 平台的区别是不需要设置 style]} 然后改变从 @ant-design/react-native 引入模块方式即可。 import{Button}from'@ant-design/react-native'; Layout Flex image.png image.png WingBlank image...
1、进入 node_modules/@ant-design/icons-react-native/fonts 目录, 复制 antfill.ttf 和 antoutline.ttf 到 Xcode Project -> Resources folder. 2、打开Xcode,将两个文件添加到依赖中 3、将两个文件 添加到 info.plist ->Fonts provided by application 配置中。 然后就可以了...
npm install @ant-design/react-native --save 链接字体图片 react-native link @ant-design/icons-react-native 这时可能报错显示说没有icons这个库,这是因为在package.json 文件中没有添加依赖,可通过添加依赖或重新下载--save,建议重新下载 npm install @ant-design/icons-react-native --save 运行项目 yarn io...
$ npm install @ant-design/react-native @ant-design/icons-react-native Installing peer dependencies Next, install the required peer dependencies. You need to run different commands depending on whether your project is an Expo managed project or a bare React Native project. If you have an Expo ...
An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library. Changelog·Report Bug·Request Feature· English ·中文 ️ Sponsors and Backers 🌈 Enterprise-class UI designed for web applications. 📦 A set of high-quality React components out of the box. ...
Flow 流:pro-flow[60]、react-flow[61]、x6[62] 电话输入:react-phone-number-input[63]、antd-phone-input[64] AI 对话界面:pro-chat[65] 相关链接[1] Ant Design Charts: [2] AntV:
Ant Design Blazor 项目 ant design rn 背景 Ant Design是一套不错的UI组件库,功能强大。但是依赖了很多其他的组件,在RN6.3以后要自己安装以下组件才能正常使用。 yarn add @react-native-community/cameraroll @react-native-community/picker @react-native-community/segmented-control @react-native-community/slider...
FrameworkPackage nameLatest VersionDownload stats Vanilla@ant-design/icons-svg React@ant-design/icons React Native@ant-design/icons-react-native Angular@ant-design/icons-angular Vue@ant-design/icons-vue @ant-design/icons-svg:English|中文|日本語 License Contributors56 + 42 contributors...
无论是使用React Native开发移动应用,还是使用Vue.js构建Web应用,都可以通过引入@ant-design/icons-svg或@ant-design/icons-svg-react来实现图标资源的跨平台共享。这不仅简化了开发流程,还保证了不同平台间图标的一致性和用户体验的连续性。 3.2 抽象树结构的未来发展...