在此小节,我们使用ant design创建一个button,文档地址:https://ng.ant.design/components/button/zh 我们打开app.moudules.ts文件,(1)引入Nzbutton (2)配置Nzbutton import { NzButtonModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/button'; 1. 然后在app.component.html 中直接复制到下面的代码 <button nz-button nzType="...
Essential UI blocks for building mobile web apps. Contribute to ant-design/ant-design-mobile development by creating an account on GitHub.
定义一个obj,将目标数据id作为键,目标数据作为值 再继续通过forEach与while对找出符合条件的数据,将与目标节点有关的父节点数据都push在data中,并将有关的数据以键值对形式都存放于obj中 flatToTree方法接收两个参数data、obj data:目标节点与之相关联的所有数据 obj:以键值对形式存放目标节点与之相关联的所有数据...
ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { const { value: inputValue } = e.target; const reg = /^-?\d*(\.\d*)?$/; if (reg.test(inputValue) || inputValue === '' || inputValue === '-') { onChange(inputValue); } }; // '.' at the end or only '-' in the input box. ...
fixed detail of design Nov 7, 2017 home.js Update home.js Jan 4, 2021 index.html chore: redirect to design resource (#24) May 15, 2023 Repository files navigation README Home Page:http://library.ant.design/ Releases No releases published ...
Ant Design Vue 的引入 antdesign for vue vue 2.x ant vue 问题描述,最近接到新需求,要合并数据项,如下图所示, 其实,单说合并很好理解,跨行设置呗,HTML中的colSpan、rowSpan设置,行,列向合并即可,但是ant中有点绕。上代码 1,需要两个方法,如下,一个是整理数据源,另一个是增加设置项(后面再说为啥要这么...
The overall level of Ali's front-end can be said to be at the domestic top . Related open source component libraries, especially ant-design ( r...
Ant Design for Figma 是基于 Ant Design 设计系统的 Figma 组件库,提供丰富的 UI 组件和交互功能,帮助设计师快速构建高质量的 Figma 设计稿。 Ant Design for Figma 继承了 Ant Design 的设计理念和风格,提供…
- <Form.Item name="switch" label="Switch"> + <Form.Item name="switch" label="Switch" htmlFor={null}> <Switch /> </Form.Item>Resources Ant Design X Ant Design Charts Ant Design Pro Pro Components Ant Design Mobile Ant Design Mini Ant Design Web3 Ant Design Landing-Landing Templates ...
Besides, we recommend native <Button htmlType="submit" /> to submit a form. TypeScript JavaScript import { SmileOutlined, UserOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'; import { Avatar, Button, Form, Input, InputNumber, Modal, Typography } from 'antd'; import type { FormInstance } from '...