代码githup地址:https://github.com/shengbid/vue3-vite-demo/tree/main/src/views/form/mutilForm 但是 最后的提交按钮是在父页面,点击提交时,需要拿到子组件 form 表单数据, 一般的,父组件想要拿到子组件的数据,需要给子组件设置一个 ref, 不过这里的子组件是动态的,ref 不能动态赋值 看了antdesign 中 form...
Form in Modal to Create When user visit a page with a list of items, and want to create a new item. The page can popup a form in Modal, then let user fill in the form to create an item. Add field Submit Dynamic Form Item Add or remove form items dynamically. DatePicker DatePicker...
Dynamic adjust submit button's disabled status by validateOnly of validateFields. First Name Last Name Age Submit Path Prefix In some scenarios, you may want to set a prefix for some fields consistently. You can achieve this effect with HOC. Add fieldAdd field at head Submit Dynamic Form Item...
<Button type="primary" onClick={() => form.submit()}> Submit </Button> </Field> </DynamicForm> ); }; export default Page; 关键代码就只有一行 <DynamicForm {...formProps} /> 于是乎,我这个朋友就加入了我的吹牛队伍,到处去和别人说,这东西多香,多好用。 正所谓物与类聚,人与群分。伸手...
所以只要维护一个(数组)变量(例中为:dynamicGroup),然后根据修改逻辑,往这个数组中增减元素,最后通过 v-for 动态渲染出对应的表单标签即可。 怎么友好添加新的表单字段? 在dynamicGroup 动态元素集合中,我放的是“一批”动态的字段 dynamicFields(也是数组类型)。
在ant design的官网中有一个demo叫动态增减表单项,非常方便的使用在动态增加选项的功能,但是并没有提供设置默认值,而且在所有使用Form.List的demo中,也都没有。!_! 一脸懵逼的表示,怎么展现默认值啊。 官网的DEMO demo的样例代码为 <Formname="dynamic_form_nest_item"onFinish={onFinish}autoComplete="off"><...
antdesign 报表工具 antd表单设计器 基于ant design 的表单组件,配置化实现表单功能。 安装 npm i -S antd-form-mate 开发 $ git clone https://github.com/zpr1g/antd-form-mate.git $ cd antd-form-mate $ npm install $ npm start 使用 内建类型...
https://ant.design/components/form/ Steps to reproduce Dynamic form items can't be loaded with backend response What is expected? Dynamic Form Items should have feature to render the existing data along with add button. What is actually happening? Currently it's not loading the existing data....
Ant Design Vue 4.0 provides three sets of preset algorithms by default, which are default algorithm theme.defaultAlgorithm, dark algorithm theme.darkAlgorithm and compact algorithm theme.compactAlgorithm. You can switch algorithms by modifying the algorithm property of theme in ConfigProvider....
下拉框选择企业选项后,form的必填校验去除 What is actually happening? 必填校验切换到非必填校验时,非必填校验被识别为必填校验 Translation of this issue: formdynamic verification problem I have searched theissuesof this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate. ...