In most cases, using Seed Tokens is sufficient for custom themes. But if you need a higher degree of theme customization, you need to understand the life cycle of Design Token in antd. Life of Design Token Seed Token Seed Token means the origin of all design intent. For example, we can...
How to Customize Ant Design with React & Webpack… the Missing Guide Theming Ant Design with Sass and Webpack Using Sass/Scss with React App (create-react-app) Dynamic Theming in Browser using Ant Design Zero config custom theme generator...
Map Tokens are derived from Seed Tokens, and Alias Tokens are derived from Map Tokens. In most cases, using Seed Tokens is sufficient for custom themes. But if you need a higher degree of theme customization, you need to understand the life cycle of Design Token in antd....
官网的说明:修改 Ant Design 的样式变量 首先读取 package 中的theme配置 // antd theme 配置 var fs = require('fs') const pkgPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './package.json') const pkg = fs.existsSync(pkgPath) ? require(pkgPath) : {} let theme = {} if (pkg.theme && typeof pkg.the...
prefixCls: 'custom', theme: { primaryColor: '#25b864', }, }); prefix怎么做呢?--modify-var 可以修改less变量,把主题light和主题dark的样式,分别build出两份样式文件,都加载到浏览器中,通过切换prefix,来match不同的样式。(变量太多,可能需要一个配置文件) ...
⚙️ Whole package of design resources and development tools. 🌍 Internationalization support for dozens of languages. 🎨 Powerful theme customization based on CSS-in-JS. import{Button,DatePicker}from'antd';exportdefault()=>(<><Buttontype="primary">PRESS ME</Button><DatePickerplaceholder="sel...
Ant Design ⌘ K 设计 研发 组件 博客 资源 国内镜像 5.23.2 中En主题编辑器 全局 组件 共 0 处修改主题配置保存 颜色 尺寸 风格 颜色 品牌色 colorPrimary 重置 #1677ff 梯度变量 Map Token 成功色 colorSuccess 重置 #52c41a 梯度变量 Map Token 警戒色 colorWarning 重置 #faad14 梯度变量 Map Token ...
prefixCls: 'custom', theme: { primaryColor: '#1890ff', }, }); ReactDOM.render( <ConfigProvider prefixCls="custom"> <App /> </ConfigProvider>, document.getElementById('root') ); reportWebVitals(); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ...
var(custom-property-name, value) 1. 2、基础用法 先定义不同属性值,之后再使用。在具体项目中可以区分属性定义文件和使用文件,便于管理。 注意:var中的自定义属性名称必须以–开头 :root { --main-bg-color: coral; --main-txt-color: blue;
prefixCls:'custom', iconPrefixCls:'custom', theme: { primaryColor:'#1890ff', }, }) 这样就配置好了 看一下效果: 主应用本身的主题色是蓝色,子应用是红色 现在页面的颜色已经变了,但是菜单没变 因为在app.tsx里面,我们用<ConfigProvider></ConfigProvider>包裹的是children,也就是layout里面的东西.layout...