Apache Anter en Java-baseret kommandolinjeværktøj til bygning Java applikationer med fuld portabilitet af pure Java kode. Det giver udviklere mulighed for at anvende agile principper og testdrevet udvikling for at automatisere de gentagne udviklingsopgaver som at generere dokumentation osv....
Ant tutorial(1) Apache Ant是一个基于Java的生成工具(another neat tool).使用Ant,您能够编写单个生成文件,这个生成文件在任何Java平台上都一致地操作(因为Ant本身也是使用Java语言来实现的);这就是Ant最大的优势。 Ant没有定义它自己的自定义语法;相反,它的生成文件是用XML编写的.每个生成文件由单个project元素组...
Ant tutorial(1) Apache Ant是一个基于Java的生成工具(another neat tool).使用Ant,您能够编写单个生成文件,这个生成文件在任何Java平台上都一致地操作(因为Ant本身也是使用Java语言来实现的);这就是Ant最大的优势。 Ant没有定义它自己的自定义语法;相反,它的生成文件是用XML编写的.每个生成文件由单个project元素组...
In the beginning there was Make as the only build tool available. Later on it was improved with GNU Make. However, since then our needs increased and, as
You can also set the Ant script as a build file that runs automatically whenever a model is modified. For more information, work through the tutorial named "Automate publishing and reporting with Apache Ant." Ant syntax for UML model publishing ...
in a vast array of Java projects, Ant will remain a popular build tool for years to come. As such, the ability to integrate Apache Ant with Jenkins and other popular DevOps tools is of key importance. In this quick tutorial, we’ll show you how to run Apache Ant bui...
An Ant build script can include or execute other Ant build scripts. Thus you can split your Ant project into multiple Ant build scripts. How this is done is explained in later texts in this tutorial. The project Element The root XML element of an Ant build script is theprojectelement. Her...
To build and run the client application,simpleclient-basicauth, using the Ant tool, follow these steps. The secured service must be deployed onto the Application Server before you can successfully compile the client application. For more information on deploying the service, readBuilding and Deployin...
2. 安装 ant(Another Neat Tool): $sudoapt-getinstallant-optional 准备项目 我们将源代码文件和生成的文件分开保管,我们将源代码文件保存在 src 目录,所有生成的文件保存在 build 目录,其子目录 classes 用以保存编译后的 Java 类文件,子目录 jar 用以保存 JAR 文件。
[†] You don’t need to be knowledgeable about XPath to use XMLTask, but if you need an introduction, take a look at the tutorial on http://www.zvon.org.[‡] Examples Let’s look at a simple example. Imagine you have a Spring configuration that you want to modify. For ...