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ANSYS 2020安装完成后,打开出现错误:An unexpected error has occurred: The following required addins could not be loaded: Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin. The software will exit. 出现这个错误的主要原因就是Windows账户名是中文的原因。如果windows新建一个英文账户登录,然后就可以打开了(详见 制冷突围:An...
ansys workbench报错 Unexpected error! 打开workbench报错:The following required addins could not be loaded: Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin. The software will exit.” 怎么办呢? win+R,输入control 点击时钟和区域 点击区域 点击管理-更改系统区域设置 勾选或取消勾选Beat版,点击确定,需要重启电脑 workben...
Step 1: "unexpected error" ANSYS Workbench software| opening problem encounter Details Skill level:Intermediate Steps:1 Created:December 27th, 2022 Category:CFD Comments
本方法用以解决,workbench启动前报错信息为如下的解决方法:An unexpected error has occurred: The ...
Hi, I installed ANSYS student and when I try to open Ansys Workbench I get the following error massage:An unexpected error has occurred: The following required addins could not be loaded: Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin. The software will exit.--- Sy
请问,安装好了之后打开workbench,出现以下提示是什么情况呢 An unexpected error has occurred: The following required addins could not be loaded: Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin. The software will exit. --- System.AggregateException: The following required addins could not be loaded: Ans.SceneGraph...
So...I downloaded ANSYS Free Student Software to learn Workbench and Fluent. Fluent and the other applications work well, and I have no problems opening them except for Workbench alone. Whenever I open the workbench, the same unexpected error comes up no matter what I do. ...
An unexpected error has occurred: “Ansys.Core.Expressions.ExpressionEvaluator”的类型初始值设定项引发异常。ansys其他的都能打开,就workbench打不开的解决方法 控制面板找到这个软件把它卸载了 就是这个软件 https://forum.ansys.com/forums/topic/unexpected-error-when-trying-to-open-workbench/...
文件内关键词:ansys workbench、ansys ls-dyna、ansys结构静力分析、焊接、强度校核、ansys模态分析、非线性分析、应力云图、瞬态结构分析、报错,有需要可以直接帖子内进行搜索。 (以下所有问答均整理自百度知道、知乎、技术邻平台) 1、结构静力分析 Q:请问结构做静力分析时,同一个全过程命令流运行两次,得到的杆件应力...