element type 1 is PLANE42,which can't be used with the VMEScommand, meshing of volume 3 ...
Hyperloop UPV designs a winning vehicle with help from Ansys Workbench and Ansys Fluent software solutions. eBook Resource Center December 20, 2024 Fighting Cardiovascular Diseases With In Silico Solutions | Ansys e-book Read the e-book to learn how in silico solutions accelerate and optimize ...
本吧热帖: 1-【吧规】本吧禁止一切广告,请不要发布任何违规内容。 2-这是什么问题? 3-workbench打不开 4-新手小白求助 5-求助ansys读取文件 6-*vread 大佬救命 7-ansys workbench 接触设置高级选项缺东西
total of thickness for layered elements may not epual zero.check real contstant table 1 层合单元的总厚度可能不等于零,检查实常数表1 这是我做层合板问题时遇到的两个错误。 NO.0066 For item= LOC, the component ( 90-() is invalid. The NSEL command is ignored. 这个错误是在定义选取一定范围...
回答:应该是关键点2从属于线段4,它不能被删除 31 在Ansys中,进行三维计算时,出现这样的错误:Zero volume in element 212630,这是个什么错误?怎么解决? 回答:在这个错误应当是用了相同位臵的结点建立了单元,用unmmrg,压缩一下结点应该可以解决问题 32 在Ansys中,碰到错误Area 2286 is attached to 2 volume(s)...
机械指南中脚本2020 r2版ansys inc scripting mechanical guide.pdf,感谢您的许可,我为您总结的结论如下在机械指导中,脚本2020版本的ANsysInc编程支持使用ANSYSWorkbench,AutodyneN,Fluent,andanyANSYS,Inc品牌的任何和所有功能名Logoslogans请注意,这是ANSYS公司的软件
For more details, see the Theory Refe rence for ANSYS and ANSYS Workbench. 44 读万卷书 行万里路 Initial state conditions previously handled via the ISTRESS command will be discontinued for this element. The INISTATE command will provide increased functionality, but only via the Current Technology...
5. Generate the Volume Mesh Create the Geometry You can create geometry for CFX-Mesh from scratch in DesignModeler within ANSYS Workbench, or import it from an external CAD file. CFX-Mesh requires you to construct Solid Bodies (not Surface Bodies) to define the region for the mesh. A separ...
element type 1 is PLANE42,which can't be used with the VMEScommand, meshing of volume 3 ...
error:element type 1 is PLANE42,which can't be used with the VMES command, meshing of volume 3 aborted. 意思是:单元类型1是PLANE42,不能使用划分体网格的命令VMES,划分体3中止。 改进办法:1修改单元类型为适合体网格的单元类型。如solid,或shell ...