完全按照安装流程安装..安装完成打开workbench后出现workbench could not connect to a valid licensing的报错,请问该怎么解决呢
遇到安sys12.0安装完成后无法启动,并提示“Could not connect to any license server”的问题,可能是由于安装过程中的某些步骤出现了错误。首先,可以尝试参考以下步骤进行安装:点击“Install ANSYS/ANSYS Workbench Products 11.0”,安装ANSYS主程序。随后,在License setup阶段,点击Next安装FLEXlm Licens...
首行明确答案:ANSYS打开时出现“could not connect to any license”错误通常表示ANSYS无法连接到其许可证服务器,因此无法验证您的使用权限。详细解释:1. 许可证服务器连接问题:ANSYS是一款商业软件,使用时需要连接许可证服务器来验证用户的使用权限。如果无法连接到许可证服务器,就会出现&ldq...
方法一:FLExlm not running是端口被占用了,只要关闭被占用端口就可以。第一步:开始>运行> 输入 cmd ...
ANSYS 17.2 Student Workbench could not connect to license server message. I want to install ansys 17.2 student version, because my course use 17.2 version. ansys homepage are uploaded 17.2 ansys file and ansys_student.zip but i don't know how to use ansy
Hello, I am having an issue with workbench 2022 R1. I recently installed 2022 R1 onto my workstation with my Academic Research license installed on a seperate server on LAN. When opening workbench, I get an error that reads "Connection timed out while reading data.The application has stopped...
在开始菜单里的所有程序中打开“ANSYS,Inc.License Manager”,再打开“Server ANSLIC_ASMIN Utility”,打开start/stop/reread选项卡,点击Start Server。原来是我没有设定开机自启许可证,就会出现这个 could not问题。看来ansys的一些插件最好不要优化什么的,省心省事。
1、点击Install ANSYS/ANSYS Workbench Products 11.0安装ANSYS主程序 2、到 License setup,点Next 安装 FLEXlm Licensing 程序 3. 然后程序会提示:"Is this a license server machine?" 点Yes "Do you have a license file to enter during the installation?" 点 NO " Do you wish to continue...
Ansys打不开时的解决办法 Ansys打不开时的解决办法 问题描述:电脑是xp系统,安装32位ansys。第⼀次安装好后可以运⾏,但是重启电脑后打开workbench提⽰⼀下错误:Could not connect to any license server.The server is down or is not resp***ive.ANSYSLI_SERVERS: [email=2325@WZLU-02241801]2325@WZLU...
打开workbench 显示could not connect to any license server. The server is down or is not ...