如果之前是可以用的话1. 把系统时间改对然后重新启动2. license那个,按照安装的时候的样子,stop service一下再start一下如果以上都不行3. 还原系统至之前能用的点,还原前先把360卸载干净,等开机能用了在重装如果是安装的时候是这个问题,就检查一下系统时间有没有问题,重新安装license,然后start,...
1 按照引用的教程安装ANSYS18, 并按教程替代文件。安装磁盘可以换到除C盘以外的盘。2 安装license manager,安装目录和ANSYS的相同,安装完成后在开始里面找到license manager并运行。3 运行crack里面的A180生成license,然后将其添加到license manager里面。弹出对话框后点击左侧install license 4 点击start运行manager,如...
打开model后,查看后端日志,报错如下: {5/31/2024 4:35:21 PM} [Ansys.Core.Commands.CommandFailedException:Message] Unable to start the Mechanical editor. Ansys.Core.Commands.UserReadableFailureException: Unable to start the Mechanical editor. at Ansys.Addins.Infrastructure.CommandUtilities.CommandHelp...
to slove the unexpected error on the ansys workbnech. ansys workbench not working, ansys mechanical not opening, ansys core expressions expression evaluator, unable to determine if an environment link exists ansys, unable to start mechanical editor ansys, script error in ansys workbench...
如图1,win10 系统会把这两个文件判为病毒文件,在复制替换Shared Files文件时,系统会把这两个文件删掉,所以在解压完_SolidSQUAD_压缩包时要系统将这两个文件视为可安装到设备的安全文件,替换Shared Files文件后,如图2示,安装目录下D:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\winx64有此两...
ThisusuallymeansthatWorkbenchisunableto locate the license file. Try the following actions to find the file: • Confirm that the license file has been installed accordingtotheInstallationInstructions.Ifyou installedANSYSStudentonWindows7or8,ensure ...
Ansys17.0 ..如何解决 求大佬指点111 小白一枚。。。Mechanical failed to open the database: The Mechanical editor does not have a valid license. Please refer the following directory for more information: C:\Users\47501\AppData\Local\Temp\.ansys.
用ansys Mechanical APDL product launchers导入K文件时显示Error connecting to the Service,不知道是啥原因,求大神指点! sfxsfx1234 3-4 1 ansys位移耦合求助 轩辕志利 Coupled set 7 already contains node 17191. Node 17191 will not be added to the set. Coupled node set 7 contains only one de...
I’m trying to use the new version ansys workbench 12 but, after installation of the program and the license, I make my geometry in DesignModeler and when I try to enter in Mesh Ansys say: error:UNABLE TO START THE MECHANICAL EDITOR and appear a fast window that say: AnsysWBU.exe encou...