ANSYS的license出现问题——解决方案 ANSYS的license问题 1. 可解决的问题为:1)ANSYS安装好以后,可注册不了,即license有问题;2)ANSYS用了一段时间以后,又不能用了(如被360隔离当做病毒 了),不用着急卸载掉ANSYS,只要重新license一下,如果不行,再重新安装ANSYS;2. 具体步骤如下:1)计算机右键—管理...
The license manager is delayed in its response. The latest requests were answered after 18 seconds.说延迟,不是无效,然后就这样了。其他步骤都OK,就卡在这里了,从Workbench看就是点不开Module。。。 三月放弃 3-11 1 惯性释放,拓扑优化 贴吧用户_... 请问一下ansys workbench拓扑优化,有办法用惯性释...
3.偶尔会出现workbench中瞬态结构模块和fluent模块不能同时打开运行的情况。 查询了很多资料后,终于正常安装了,东家的12700终于能100%计算了。 近期有空整理一下这个问题吧。 大家可以先看这个链接ANSYS2022R2最新版安装包及安装教程 - 泵小丫。 其实大致的流程是这样的: 01完全卸载ANSYS2022R2 常规的ANSYS卸载;我的...
You mentioned that other users on your network can access and checkout the license from the same server. Are these users/computers connected to the same local network as the server (same building/room)? Other people are using the same licensing method and it works fine. The machine has a...
Please ensre that the compute nodes can reach the license server on all ports used by license server. The last line said Please refer /home/user/.ansys/ansyscl.cluster-c01.14070.12506.log for more information. Does that ile list any errors If unable to locate that file, th...
License ID: License checkout failed.The license CFX_SOLVER expired on 2017/12/12 20:32:32....
Solution: This error indicates that the license activation date is set to a future date and it cannot be activated prior to the activation date. 6) For ping command showing 0% loss: If ping command output is showing 0% loss and still you are unable to launch Discovery product, then perfo...
ansys提示出现错误Product:ANSYS Multiphysics (feature 'ane3fl')Checkout failed for the above product.FLEXlm error message:The desired vendor daemon is down (-97,121)Servers/license files searched:1055@cai(本机名)(For additional licensing
(Ansys Electronics Desktop) interface and installed via the Electronics software package. Icepak 2019R3 classic and earlier require a legacy license called "Ansys Icepak" and relies on the feature increment "aice_pak". As of at least 10/1/2020, we are unable to issue this legacy license and...
启动ansys时会出现ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR的警告,内容如下:product:ANSYS Multiphysics (feature 'ane3fl') checkout failed for the above p 贴吧用户_... 16:33 0 大佬们 看看我这个是什么情况 贴吧用户_... apdl 输电塔施加约束的时候 蹦出警告 贴吧用户_... 15:57 1 ansys apdl建模时出...