""Time step too small"" is shown when the current time step is less than 10% of the initial time step. You can always decrease the minimum time step to continue the calculation. After loading your problem, go to the Controls panel and select Timestep Opt
大佬们,我在做铣削仿真求解时,time step is too small 报错,无法求解,试了很多方法,都无法解决。请问怎么处理?登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示0...
small minimum time step (or maximum number of steps, defined using DELTIM or NSUBST). During the nonlinear solution process, if the initial time step is too small, the automatic time step algorithm may cause your running time to be too long; on the other hand, if your minimum time step ...
simplorer与maxwell联合仿真报错 分享31 ansys吧 却顾🌌 轴承静力仿真求助大神们 孩子仿两三天了 一遇到那个第一个由于受约束那个 就退出求解 请问是啥问题啊 不知道从哪下手改了 分享25 ansysworkbench吧 mycxlove2 求助workbench 铣削仿真大佬们,我在做铣削仿真求解时,time step is too small 报错,无法求解,...
The maximum value of time is the residence time. In contrast, for some applications it can be helpful to reduce the time step. Examples are CFX-cases with Reynolds Stress model or with multiphase. There, a too large timestep can be just too optimistic resulting in divergence due to ...
KEYOPT(7) = 0: No control. The time step size is unaffected by the prediction. This setting is appropriate for most analyses when automatic time stepping is activated and a small time step size is allowed. KEYOPT(7) = 1: Time step size is bisected if too much penetration occurs during...
61、uSolution-Load Step Opts-Time/FrequencTime-Time Step31GUI: Main MenuSolution-LoadStep Opts-Time/FrequencTime-TimeStep/Time andStep/Time andANSYS可以停止求解或递进或阶越选项:如果定义阶越(stepped)选项,载荷值在这个载荷步内保持不变;如果为递进(ramped)选项,则载荷值由上一载荷步值到本载荷步值随...
In a transient analysis the timestep should be small enough to capture the transient behaviour of interest ? Boundary conditions can be functions of time ? Convergence should be monitored so that each timestep is converged – It is generally better to reduce the overall timestep size to improve...