workbench界面,tool》options,将licensing底下“share a single license between applications when possible”✔取消掉,然后OK,重启软件再次打开就好了!亲测有效,望采纳!
workbench设置完后,求解时出现the shared license is not available to write the input file,请问是...
刚体动力学运算时出现the shared license is not available to perform the solve operation。有说是我的...
"The shared license is not available to write the Input file". This error is not the error of MBD for ANSYS, but the ANSYS Workbench error. Here are the workaround to resolve this error. 1.LaunchUser License Preferences 2019 R2 2.Check the option,Use a separate license for each applicat...
下载Ansys Student 2021 R1之后,使用mesh的求解模式时出现Error“Shared license is not available. Fluent-Meshing will not continue until it is released.”,但下载链接的下一行写着“Built-in license valid until 03/31/22”,不知道什么问题,请帮我解决一下,谢谢!另外,网上的解决方案说,在下载文件中找到WINX...
Hello, I have got hybrid product license pack for ANSYS 19.1. Everything runs smooth with the software, however, once in a while, I get a licensing error message saying "The shared license is not available to perform Geometry Attach operation" while tryi
1、打开“Crack\Program Files\ANSYS Inc”破解文件夹,将“Shared Files”内所有文件复制到打开ANSYS 18.0安装根目录下,并替代源文件,根目录默认路径为C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc2、运行安装包下的“A180_Calc.exe”,输入”Y",敲击回车生成许可文件3、然后将许可文件“license.txt”复制到安装目录下载入即可 秦...
ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR:Could not connect to any license server. The server is down or is not responsive. ANSYSLI_SERVERS: 2325@mu01 FLEXlm Servers: 1055@mu01 Cannot find license file. The license files (or license server system network addresses) attempted are ...
Failover feature 'Ansys electronics_desktop' is not available.Request name electronics_desktop does not exist in the licensing pool.Cannot connect to license server system.The license server manager (lmgrd) has not been started yet,the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or theport ...
去掉圈里面的勾,再点击应用,OK),确保出现license.dat。 用记事本或写字板打开license.dat,看看第一行的是否有当前计算机的计算机名(hostname)和刚才 得到的flexID。例如:SERVERluckylove0000e84010a21055,其中luckylove为计算机名 (hostname),0000e84010a2为得到的注册号(flexid)。 3.注册环境变量 ...