| is out of bounds and has been clipped to its UPPER bound. | | | | ...
After opening a session of MODE it will set up the base simulation. This is done to ensure the input parameters are correct which can be changed in the (varFDTD_y_branch.py). This is done as a sanity check and the generated simulation is not required to be saved for the next step; ...
(车间); booleans 布尔运算/合并,交叉或者删除体; Both lines and flood 画线并填充; Boundary name pattern 边界名称样式; Bounded 有界平面; bounds 界限; box-behnken 响应面法; Box color 边框的颜色; brief 简要的/摘要; brick 砖状物; Brownian rotation 布朗转动; buffered 缓冲/减轻; bulk 膨胀; bulk...
2016 S e the Status – It is possible to recheck for holes and maybe for other sizes – It is also possible to use the hole fixing tools in Fluent Meshing to find holes then revert to CAD tool to close them and re-import or end the CAD • Click Reset in the Bounds of the Task...
基本工具条 【 New】新建文件 【 Open】打开文件 【 Save】保存文件 【 Save As】另存为文件 【 Import】导入模型 【 Compact Mode】紧凑视图模式 【 Shade Exterior and Edges】轮廓线显示 【 Wireframe】线框显示 【 Ruler】显示标尺 【 Legend】显示图例 【 Triad】显示坐标图示 【 Expand All】展开结构树...